Chapter 12

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Derek and Mike umm

Y/n: yeah I do

Soon after you said that you fell asleep.

_______☁️KOBE'S THOUGHTS☁️_______
Dam she sleep that quick. I really wanted some let me text my side peace luci so we can fuçk.


If you don't know her

Lucianna Sanchez (Luci)

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Lucianna Sanchez (Luci)

Lucianna Sanchez (Luci)

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Kobe smiled and put on a hoodie and grey sweatpants

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Kobe smiled and put on a hoodie and grey sweatpants. He left out the room and went to luci's house.

Kobe knocked on her door

L- Luci

L: hey papi

K: hey mamas

After he said that he grabbed her neck in a sexual way. I love when you do that daddy. He kissed her and took he upstairs.

After they had seggs because I'm lazy.

K: that was the best sèx I have ever had

L: anything for you baby

K: that's why I love you

L: I love you too

K: Ight I'm about to leave my mama told me to come home *lie

Actually you texted him and asked were he was.

* back to Y/n

You woke up and saw Kobe wasn't in be with you so you decide to text him.

Pretend that the time says 12:00

You smile at the thought he called you baby girl

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You smile at the thought he called you baby girl.

You the decide to watch YouTube

*back to Kobe.

K: that's why I love you

L: I love you too

Kobe left and went to his car and went to cvs and got you your favorite snacks.

But when he went in the cvs he saw Sora inside at the cash register.

S: *rolls his eyes

K: the fùçk you rolling yo eyes for

S: I know you cheated on Y/n with Luci

K: no I didn't

S: oh really, Luci and I are friends and she told me about you

K: why the füçk can't she shut up like dam

S: why would you do that to Y/n she is a beautiful women why deserves someone why loves her not cheat on her.

K: what ever she with me not you

S: we'll se about that

K: what does that mean, because I will shank yupu again

S: wait so that was you

K: obviously, anyway I need you to ring my stuff up

S: yeah what ever

Kobe left the cvs and drove back home.

Sora's POV

I decided to tell Y/n what Kobe did

You cried silently until Kobe walked in

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You cried silently until Kobe walked in

K: baby girl what's wrong

Y/n: I know that you cheated on me with a girl named Luci

K: bae-

Y/n: don't call me that you know what you did

K: Y/n I'm sorry I was in the mood and you fell asleep I just wanted some

Y/n: you could have woke me up

K: you were sleeping peacefully I didn't want to wake You

Y/n: what does she even look like

He showed a picture of her.

Y/n: you know what we should have a Thrèésome with her

K: Ight bet

He called and asked her

K: she said she down


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