Chapter 27

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S: baby girl you should get some sleep ok

Y/n: ok daddy

With that you went to sleep. While you were sleep sora left went into the bathroom. When he was in the bathroom he cried about the thought of losing his child.

S: *cries*

You heard him crying. So you got out of the hospital bed and said

Y/n: a-are you ok

S: y-yeah b-baby girl

Y/n: ok if you need anything I'm her-

S: is this why your still in here

Y/n: yeah because of the baby

S: oh

He looked down sad and you bent down and said

Y/n: I'll be out tomorrow, you should go home and get some sleep ok

S: but I don-

Y/n: no no baby I insist. Your family hasn't seen you since the accident

S: but you are my family

Y/n: aww fine you can stay

S: yay

You laughed

Y/n: come on let's go to sleep

S: ok

Ik this is short but I might make a longer one Tmr or today idk

Word count

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