Chapter 23

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Y/n: whatever

You said walking in the house

Y/n: hey daddy

S: hey baby girl, are you mad at me

Y/n: no why

S: I was just asking because I teased you earlier

Y/n: oh that Sora I'm still mad but it's fine

S: lemme make it up to you

Y/n: and how is that Mr. Simmons

S: one day imma make you Mrs. Simmons

Y/n: I'll be waiting, oh and bae I brought you food from IHOP

S: thx

Y/n: I'm going upstairs

You went upstairs and changed in to This

You went upstairs and changed in to This

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After you changed you went downstairs

Y/n: hey daddy

S: hey baby girl

Y/n: I might go take a nap

S: can we cuddle

He said hugging you from behind

Y/n: you are so clingy, I love it

S: I know you do

You smile and walked upstairs with sora following behind

S: so can we cuddle and watch anime

Y/n: yesss but what anime

S: whatever you want

Y/n: umm what about ohh let's watch the seven deadly sins

S: ouu let's watch

You both watched seven deadly sins until you fell asleep

S: babyy you sleep

S: bae

Y/n: *snores loud*

He then cuddled with you and soon after he went to sleep.

3 hours later

You woke up and it was around 5pm you saw that sora was still sleeping. You smile and kiss him on the lips causing him to wake up he then started smiling into the kiss

S: mmm you taste like candy

Y/n: you feel soft and smell good

S: I know

He said then smirked



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