Eddie Munson - Let's go Crazy

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*Warning: slight mention of alcohol and drugs and stuff*

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*Warning: slight mention of alcohol and drugs and stuff*

You were staying at a shitty little trailer park, in the arsehole of nowhere with your sister. After the untimely relapse of your mothers alcohol addiction and your dads immaculate ability to go to the shop and never return, you were forced to leave your beloved and familiar hometown and were sent here. Your sister being the only relative who seemed somewhat interested in having you too stay. 

Though she was technically providing you a home; this tin can was nothing like the house you had grown up in. For starters your room was literally a cupboard. Literally. It was one of those cupboards that you open and a tiny bed pops out. Secondly, your sisters boyfriend was an asshole who smoked more weed than your local hippy. And finally, the walls were paper thin.

You could hear everything that went on around you, inside and out of the 'house'. You could hear the dog next door barking, your sister drunkenly fighting and most importantly the sound of your next door neighbours music.

You'd seen the boy next door several times over the last week. At first you thought he lived alone but it seems that whatever parental figure he had (you couldn't tell whether it was father or uncle of some sort) worked nights, leaving him the perfect opportunity to blast the likes of Van Halen and Metallica late into the night. 

While this music wasn't necessarily your cup of tea, you appreciated the change of tone. You could find yourself getting lost in the music rather than the unpleasant sounds that surrounded you. Oddly the loud music gave you peace. 

On one particularly dark night you finally met the strange boy. Your sister was yet again arguing with her god forsaken boyfriend who had yet again 'accidently' drunkenly cheated on her. The arguing match had reached a whole new level of unbearable and you found almost impossible to do the maths homework that was due tomorrow morning (serves you right for procrastinating). Sat on an overturned box next to the wired gate that divided you from next trailer along, you blissfully listened to whatever it was he was playing this time.

The cold air singed you cheeks as you sipped from a can of coke, the frustration of the situation at hand overwhelming you. It wasn't very nice, not being able to exist in your own home. Not having five minutes of peace where you could just sit down and do your damn homework. Angry you threw the empty can in what was supposed to be the direction of the bin however ended up colliding directly at the boys bedroom window. 

Embarrassed, you looked around deciding whether or not to hide. What if he looks out of the window? Can you fit behind the bin? Sure enough the boy did peak out of his window, confusion filling his face until he spotted you perched on the floor on a cold spring night. The music suddenly stops and he opens the window wide.

"You okay out there princess?" he calls out of the window to which you just nodded. With music now ceasing to play he could clearly hear the arguing coming from your trailer.

"You wanna come inside?" He offers which with much reluctance and persuasion you finally agree to. And boy were you glad that you did.

Once inside the trailer you appreciated just how awesome this guy was. Not once that night did he stop trying to make you laugh with his goofy little mannerisms and his dramatic story telling skills. He even introduced you to his sweetheart, his precious guitar.

"You know y/n, you can come over here whenever you want. Y'know if you need to escape from the troubling woes of adulthood or whatever the hells goes on in there." He tells you. The two of you were laid next to each other on his tiny twin bed. Legs dangling off the edge as you both admired the flurry of posters he had taped to his ceiling.

"I appreciate the offer Eddie but your music sounds a lot better from a distance." You joke.

Dramatically Eddie clasps his hands over his heart, sitting up and staring you straight in the eye with mock hurt her proclaims,  "I am offended truly y/n. Her majesty cannot appreciate the gift from god that is Ozzy Osbourn."

"It's not taht I just don't listen to this sort of music." you defend.

"Oh yeah then what do you listen to." He asks with a playful tone that you were now familiar with. "Come on princess you can tell me. Wait no, let me Guess okay?"

You roll your eyes but turn to sit directly facing him. His eyes bore into yours as though hoping he'll see some reflection of an answer lingering in them. He really has pretty eyes you realise, which odd for you because who the hell sits there and thinks that.


"Lionel Richie?"


"I do quite like Abba" you admit causing him to jump up in excitement, thinking that he's won this while debacle.

"Aha! Victorious!" he yells, fist pumping the air.

"But Abba wasn't what I was thinking of." You admit causing him to groan and sink back onto the bed.

"Then what was it princess?" He asks with those sad sort of puppy dog eyes. The kind of face a small child pulls when they're trying to convince their parents to give them something. After much pondering, just to annoy Eddie, you finally concede.

"Prince." You say


"Yeah prince."

"The princesses favourite is Prince? Hmm never pegged you for a prince kind of girl." He states turning to face you. He looks at you in an odd sort of way, as though he's revaluating you, like he's looking at you for the first time all over again.

"Well you don't really no me."

"True true. But I was kinda hoping to change that." He says with a grin causing you to laugh. 

The rest of the night was just like this, the two of you joking around. Him trying to guess various things about you and you doing the same to him. Favourite movie? Favourite food? favourite colour? You knew it all by the time the clock struck midnight, informing you that you really should go home and try and get some sleep.

The night ended with you sneaking back into your house and your heart full with a new found love for the boy next door. And the next time you couldn't stand to be at home you found yourself at Eddie's. however, this time you were greeted to the blissful sounds of Let's Go Crazy. The perfect song, for a perfect night and a perfect first kiss to follow. Turns out you really, really like the weird boy next door and he really, really likes you too.

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