Who They're Jealous Of

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Steve - Steve was surprisingly jealous of Dustin. It's not that he thought you were going to run off with Dustin or anything and have some sort of secret affair because that would just be wrong, you were wayyy to old for him. Steve was jealous of the platonic connection you and Dustin had. You had more in common with Dustin especially when it came to more 'intellectual' subjects. He often felt left out when you and Dustin would talk, like he was watching from the outside or something. Steve just didn't think he was smart enough for you which is something you constantly have to reassure him about.

Eddie - He was crazy jealous of pretty much everyone but especially Steve. To Eddie, Steve was everything he wasn't. Rich, selfless, cool, popular and he had that goddamn amazing hair. How could Eddie compete with that? You also went to Steve when you and Eddie had been fighting, for comfort purposes, and this pissed Eddie off. You constantly reassured Eddie that nothing would happen between you an Steve but he couldn't help the surge of possessiveness he felt every time he saw the two of you together. A certain possessiveness that always ended with the two of you tangled up in some dark corner just so he could prove to you how much you mean to him.

Max - She was jealous of how much you looked up to Robin. Before the two of you dated, you had admitted to have a teeny tiny crush on Robin saying that you really cool and super hot. Now whenever she sees the two of you together she can't help but wonder if you'd rather date Robin. 

Peter - He was jealous of everyone who got the chance to talk to you. He hated how there were some people who got to see you every single day while he had to wait to see your for only a few minutes every few weeks. He didn't like the thought of sharing you, to him you were his and his mind couldn't help but wander and think whether you were seeing someone else. The only good thing about his jealously his that the first few minutes where you were reunited with him always consisted of some very intense making out.

Robin - Robin was jealous of Nancy. You and Nancy had been besties for as long as you can remember. The two of you shared this almost sisterly bond that Robin couldn't compete with. She couldn't help but feel jealous when you and Nancy laughed at one of your inside jokes or how Nancy always knew what to say to calm you down when you were upset. Nancy was good at all the things Robin wasn't when it came to socialising and she couldn't help but think she wasn't good enough because of that.

Lucas - He was jealous of Mike. Unlike him, your parents actually like Mike and approved of you. Every time he saw you with your family he couldn't help but wonder if things would be easier for you if it was Mike you were dating and not him.

Will - Will isn't jealous of anyone really. Before you started dating he was little jealous of El because he thought she was the one you were interested in and not him. That soon went away when you started dating. If anything you were the jealous one of the pair and he found that extremely attractive.

Mike - He was jealous of Lucas. He was so much cooler and popular than he was, especially after you guys started highschool and he joined the basketball team. He hates how you're on the cheer team and get to spend all this time with Lucas and the popular kids while he's still slumping around with Dustin in the Hellfire club.

Nancy - She was jealous of Eddie. You and Eddie briefly dated back in middleschool and had maintained a pretty good friendship after breaking up. She couldn't help but worry that one day you'd realise you still love Eddie or something and leave her.

Jonathan- He was jealous of Steve for obvious reasons. No matter what, in his mind Steve will always be the one that everyone wants to date and he just really doesn't trust the guy around you. For whatever reason he's convinced Steve will steal him away from you just like he had done to him with Nancy. You personally thought the whole thing was stupid but that didn't change much to him.

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