What Annoys You

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Steve - His need to look after everyone can get a little annoying. Sometimes when you're with him he acts too much like a mother hen, always fussing over you and checking you're okay. While you love the fact he cares and appreciate that he's just being nice, it can be quite overwhelming. The last thing you want to do is date your mother.

Eddie - Eddie does have his faults but most of them you've grown to love. The thing that irks you the most though is his newfound desire to prove himself as some sort of hero . Its been no secret in your relationship that Eddie's always been a little insecure but you've always been there to reassure him. Since all the upside down drama and all the shit with Chrissy, Eddie has found a new interest in proving his bravery. It would be pretty hot if it weren't for the fact that he kept putting himself in dangerous and quite frankly stupid situations.

Max - Her sarcasm can be quite annoying. Every now and  then she's make a sarcastic remark to something you said and that can be pretty annoying sometimes. It really annoys you though when you're having a serious conversation.

Peter - While he his very hot the whole 'ending the world murder times' thing can be quite annoying. This is the case for many reasons. Of course murder is bad and all that but overall its the impracticalities of having to date a murderer. For one you can never arrange an appropriate time to meet up because he's now off floating in the upside down. Not to mention the whole being interrogated by the government because your boyfriend went on and had crazy murder times with his 'siblings'.

Robin - It can be quite annoying how oblivious Robin is. Sometimes when you get home from a long day of work, all you want is to be able to relax in peace and quiet. And so sometimes when robin decides to have an impromptu visit you can be quite snappy and annoying because the last thing you want is to listen to her ramble on and when you try and politely indicate that to her, she never seem sot notice.

Will - He can be quite annoying when he steals your clothes. After the first few times he stayed over at your house, you noticed a few of your shirts had started to go missing. At that point you didn't mind. Sure it was a little inconvenient but he did look really cute when he wore them. It wasn't until your favourite hoodie got stolen that you got proper annoyed. It was a really nice hoodie.

Dustin - It can be annoying how he spilled every little bit of gossip about your relation ship to Eddie and Steve. Sure you don't mind him telling him little details but every now and then he'll spill something a little too intimate and personal. This makes you feel weird because then Steve or Eddie start acting differently around you.

Lucas - Something about your relationship that annoys you is how Lucas is never willing to take  a risk. Your relationship was stable and seemingly perfect but you wanted some spark, some excitement. Your parents were really strict and had alot of rules about you dating Lucas. It can be annoying how desperate Lucas is to obey these rules and how he's never willing to take any risks in breaking them. Sometimes you'd just wish he'd sneak back into your room when you asked him too or that he'd stay out with you past your curfew.

Mike - Mike ditches you alot to spend time with his friends and that can be pretty annoying. You have no problem with Mike spending time with the Hellfire guys but when he cancels your dates just so he can play D&D you tend to get annoyed. Especially when you've spent ages getting all dressed up only for him to call you up last minute with some bullshit excuse.

Nancy - Steve and Nancy's old relationship annoys you. You aren't a jealous person but something is telling you that there's something weird going on with Nancy and Steve. The last few weeks they had been really close, making little flirty remarks at each other and it was annoying as hell. Especially when they did it in front of you like you weren't even there.

Jonathan - His sometimes stalkery vibe can annoy you. Like how he's always taking pictures even at really weird moments or how he freaks whenever you so much as have a conversation with Steve. It just feels like he's really clingy and sometimes you just need space to breathe.

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