Her first game of D&D.

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Cassie was a girl who didn't really have the same style as Eddie which is why they never really interacted with eachother. That all changed drastically

Cassie was stood by her locker but suddenly Mike approached her, "Oh um hi-"
"Let me do this, she's my sister." interrupted Dustin.
"Fine," Mike replied
"So my dear sister, would you like to join the hellfire club?" He asked
She thought for a moment before replying with the simple word, "Why?"
"Because we need an extra member so we can split into teams, you'll understand if you join us." answered her brother.
"How many people are already there?" she asked.
"Well there's Me, Mike, Eddie, Jack and Ben which is 5 but we need six." Dustin said with persuasion in his voice.
"Fine I'll join but I am not under any circumstances being partnered with Dustin, do you understand?" she repeated multiple times.
Cassie walked down to class to do science which was her last subject of the day. Once she had gotten her science results, someone shouted from the the hallway, "MEET US AT SKULL ROCK AT 5  AND DON'T BE LATE!"
It was Dustin and her face turned bright red as everybody stared at her.

*skipped to 4:15pm*

Cassie was getting ready and decided to style herself to fit into the group as she assumed she would be there for a while. She realised how much she loved her outfit and her black ripped jeans. The clock ticked slowly and it approached half past four. It takes 20 minutes to get to skull rock so she just decided to set off early.

When she arrived at the correct destination only Eddie was there.
"Hey." he said
"Hi."Cassie replied shyly.
"WE'RE HEREEEE!" all of the other boys shouted.
"Alright time to partner up!" Mike said
Mike and Dustin paired up, Jack and Ben paired up and there stood Eddie and Cassie gazing into eachothers eyes.
"I'll go with Cassie." Eddie stated with a smirk.
They all set off to the table with their pairs and began playing dungeons and dragons.

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