~Deja Vu~

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It was 11:25am and they had to be at the hideout for 11:50am. They set off, once again in Cassie's car and went as fast as they could so they wouldn't be late.

They arrived with Eddie's D&D board and began playing.

"Hey Eddie, what's that on your face?" asked Mike while smirking.

The hellfire club began laughing louder than an elephant so Eddie pulled out Cassie's mirror from her bag and spotted it. The red lipstick.

"Oh sh!t." stated the couple in unison.

Cassie felt a swirling feeling in her stomach but she shrugged it off and didn't think anything major of it. That was until she stood up, turned around threw up. Eddie immediately comforted and rubbed her arm as the others where making rude comments such as calling her a disease. Eddie let her sit on his lap and she rested her head on his black, denim jacket which was sitting on his shoulders. After Eddie had won the game it was 2pm and they had skipped breakfast due to the fact they were rushing. Eddie wiped of the lipstick stain off of his chin and made sure it was off.

'I'm gonna go to the store and get some food!" Eddie yelled to Cassie who was in her bedroom.

"Alright. said Cassie. "Can you get some eggs?"


When Eddie arrived at the store, he saw Dustin and Steve at the music section which included his favourite rock bands.

"Hey Eddie!" yelled Dustin.

"Hi." he said, embarrassed

"Is it still on your face?" teased Dustin

"Listen here you little sh!t, you never bring that up or Cassie, your own sister, will beat you up just like she did to Jason." Eddie mumbled to Dustin leaving a shocked but confused look on his face.

"She did wha-" Dustin replied

Before he could finish his sentence, Steve asked, "What was on Eddie's face."

Munson narrowed his eyebrows at Steve and they made eye contact for several seconds but Eddie slowly looked away. He walked off and went to buy the food he needed.

"What was that about?" Dustin questioned.

"I don't think Eddie likes me, at all." Steve replied.

"I'll tell you what was on Eddie's face." Dustin added.


"This morning when we were playing D&D, Mike noticed something his face. He knew what it was so he asked Eddie if he knew what was on his face. Cassie gave him her mirror and there he saw a... red lipstick mark." explained Dustin thoroughly

"Holy sh!t." Steve replied.

Eddie heard the entire conversation so he just decided to get the essential groceries, check out and go.

"That'll be $24." stated the woman at the cash register.

Eddie handed the money to her and took the bag. He had bought a mixture of vegetables, fruits, meat and of course eggs.
He arrived home and needed the toilet so he entered the bathroom.

"What the fvck." he muttered to himself

He gazed at the dark stained sink and shouted, "CASSIEEE!"

"Sh!t." she whispered to herself.

Eddie ran upstairs and burst into their shared bedroom. Cassie had tin foil on her hair and Eddie realised quickly that she was dyeing it.

"Oh uh hi."she said whilst smirking.

"What colour are you dyeing it?" he asked with a pause after every word.

"Brown." she replied, biting her bottom lip.

*Authors note.*

Sorry that this chapter was a bit shorter I just didn't really have any more ideas but the next chapter will be atleast a bit longer.

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