.Thoughts spinning in my head.

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Cassie was sat in her bedroom looking at some old photos. There were pictures of her and Eddie's first date which didn't go so well. There were happy memories of her family and friends but since it was dinner time she putt them away and headed downstairs. On her kitchen wall she saw something, a photo of her a Chrissy smiling in their cheer outfits. Cassie took her beef lasagna and ran upstairs into her room.

"Cassie?" said Eddie

He followed her up the steep stairs but their bedroom door was locked.

"Sweetheart, let me in." he asked calmly.

"No." she whimpered.

"Whats wrong?" he said, feeling concerned for the girl

He heard her weep and wail louder and he used all of his strength to kick the door open and break the lock. It flew open hitting her oak wood desk. He ran up to her and hesitated before saying,"What's wrong, you can tell me anything."

He picked her up and threw her on the bed before tickling her. Her face turned red and although she was laughing, tears were still rolling slowly out of her hazel eyes.

"I won't stop until you tell me what's wrong!" claimed Eddie

"FINEEE!" she yelled in reply

"Finally!" He exclaimed happily.

"So do you know how Jason and Chriisy are dating, well I beat up Jason and Chrissy is my new best friend. I'm worried that she'll leave me because of what I did." explained Cassie.

Eddie comforted her and brought his chilli rice upstairs. They ate their food together but Eddie told Cassidy to get some rest to try and clear her mind.

While she was sleeping, Eddie tried to plan out a date that they could have in their house. He used vanilla scented candles and fake rose petals. Even though they had just had dinner, he called Dustin and asked him to buy him some steak, wine and cigarette from the left over money he had from the mall.

"But I can't buy cigarettes, I'm 15!" exclaims Dustin.

"I don't care, just get Wheeler or Steve to buy them." answered Eddie.

Dustin sighed and reluctantly agreed. Twenty minutes after he had soke to Dustin on his walkie, there was a knock at the door. He opened it to see Dustin and Robin stood at the door. He took the three items and the clock approached 5:43pm and the date was at seven. While he put the steak in the oven to cook, he thought about there first date. It was 19th of March and the night of their first kiss. They went to Enzo's but Cassie got food poisoning from the chicken soup and was severely ill.

He opened the glass bottle of wine and lit a cigarette with his black and white lighter. The smoke travelled through the house and Eddie suddenly heard coughing coming from the place Cassie was sleeping. He took his scuffed up converse off and sprinted upstairs into her bedroom.

"Are you smoking again?" she asked, her eyes almost shut.

"Yeah, I can wait if you want." Eddie replied.

She smiled at him and said,"That would be great."

As he turned around he could help but notice a book. Her diary.

"Can I borrow this?" he asked quietly.

Without knowing what he was talking about, she replied,"Sure."

He picked up the rainbow diary which had The diary of Cassidy Henderson written on the front of it with cursive handwriting.

He took it downstairs to the table. It was 6:19pm. Eddie opened it up to a random page dated to, 7 March.

Dear diary,

Today was a crazy day because I got asked to be a sub for the hellfire club. I was reluctant at first but I decided to join. The reason I didn't want to go was simple. Eddie Munson. I'm pretty sure ehe hates me so I hope I don't get partnered with him or Dustin. After school it was time for me to get ready. I set off early and arrived early to see the one and only Eddie Munson gazing into my eyes. In the middle of the game it was my turn and I did really bad. Everyone was laughing hysterically, except Eddie. I couldn't handle it and nobody knew about my anxiety. Eddie approached me and asked if I was alright. It was at that moment I realised, I had a crush on Eddie, a big crush. His long, curly hair and his beautiful brown eyes. The way he looked at me when I was hurt. The scent of his cologne and his comforting smile.Fast forward to after the game when Eddie drove me home in his black truck. I stayed at his 'castle' for the night and he made me some food.

~Yours truly
Cassie Henderson (CH)

Eddie stood staring at the page for a few moments until he was interrupted by the words,"Eddie, why the fvck do you have my diary."

"Well technically you did say I could have it."

Eddie expected Cassie to become really angry but instead she giggled and whispered,"I suppose I did."

Eddie walked over to her and planted a reassuring kiss at the top of her head. He pulled out the chair and stated,"Take a seat."

The knife in the centre was sharp and Eddie cut himself a piece of the well- cooked steak. Cassie tried to cut a piece but the knife slipped right into her finger.

"SH!T." she screamed

Munson grabbed the first aid box and picked up the bandages and tape.

"This should do." he muttered to himself.

She gritted her teeth in attempt to hold back the tears. He carefully wrapped the bandage around her index finger and taped in down. He poured her a glass of wine after helping her up. Before she had a chance to sit down Eddie mumbled in her ear,"I love you."

She gently smiled and she took a sip of the expensive, red wine.

"What did you find into diary anyways." she asked curiously.

Hesitantly, Eddie answered with,"7th of March, the day you started to have a crush on me."

Cassie sat down on the hard, wooden chair, her face bright red.

"Does my cologne really smell that good?" Eddie chuckled

"I u-uh, i-" Cassie stuttered, not being able to get a single word out.

"No need to be embarrassed I love the scent of you lavender perfume and your shiny hazel eyes. Forgot to mention your blonde, flowing hair ." Eddie claimed

They shared a smile which lasted a few moments before they kissed.

The next morning, Eddie had a red lipstick stain on his face but he was rushing to get to his d&d game with the hellfire club. Obviously, Cassie joined him but she decided not to play because of the events of last time she played.

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