A disappearance

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The next morning, Cassie was back at her house as it was time for school. As soon as she was ready to set off for school, something grabbed her by the face and brought her to an unknown place.

"EDDIE, EDDIE HELP ME!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

*skipped to school lunchtime

"Where's Cassie?!" Eddie asked
"I thought she was at yours because I didn't see her on the way to school." replied Dustin
"You don't think she got taken into the upside down, do you?" Mike added
"Wait, what if she did?" Lucas said
"We have to check, she'll be in danger." Eddie claimed confidently
"You really think it's that easy to access the upside down." Dustin questioned
"How can we access it?" Eddie replied
"There's a gate at the Hawkins lab, it's abandoned and it's really dangerous without any real gear." Dustin whispered to the rest of the club.
"I don't care how dangerous it is she just needs to be safe." Eddie yelled
"Why do you care anyways?" Dustin said with a cheeky smile.
"Because she's my best friend and clearly the only real friend I have!" yelled Eddie.
"Oh okay then." Mike muttered to himself.

After school had ended they all went on an adventure to the dangerous Hawkins lab and when they arrived the gate was all locked and the lab looked like a prison.
"Do we really have to go in there?" Mike asked hesitantly
"YES!" shouted Dustin and Eddie in unison.
"We can't even get in!" exclaimed Mike
"Let's climb over!" Eddie stated proudly.
"Wait wha-" Mike whispered

They grasped onto the steel, cold bars (which were locked with heavy chains) and jumped over onto the damp concrete. The large lab towered over the 3 boys and they slowly approached it with their flashlights.
"You ready to do this?" said Dustin quietly.
"I was born ready." replied Eddie

They wandered to the broken glass doors and jumped through the narrow hole while trying not to get cut. The walls were soaked in blood and it was like a maze. Mike held out a map of the lab and pointed to where the gate was.
They walked up to the gate room and saw thick, slimy vines covering the entrance.
"I'm going in." said Eddie with a cheeky smile.

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