Here and there

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"El, your here!" exclaimed Cassie

"Can I come in?" asked Eleven

"Sure!" stated Cass

Eleven walked in and wiped her feet on the doormat, "W-who is that ?"

"Oh, that's Eddie, my boyfriend." replied Cassie

"Why am I actually here?" Eleven said curiously.

"Alright so there is this huge scary monster called Vecna who killed Lucas a few days ago and it said that you're the only one who can kill it." explained Cassie

"Uh okay." answered Eleven

"I aint going to school tomorrow, we need to get the group together." Eddie suggested

Before he could finish his suggestion,  Cassie picked up the phone and told then to meet them at the lab tomorrow morning. Eddie cooked dinner while El and Cassie caught up with eachother. He brought out a large bowl of  soup and kissed Cass on the head. They had to get ready for the following day so they went to bed early.

It was 10am, they had to meet at 11:30am.

"Eddie wake up!" she yelled while shaking his bare shoulders.

"I'm awake!" he groaned.

"Breakfast is downstairs, we have to be there in a bit over an hour." Cassie stated.

Eddie ran down the stairs and quickly ate up his breakfast. Cassidy crossed her arms on his chest and said, "You can't go half naked, me and El are already ready so I suggest you hurry up."

"I suppose that's true." he giggled.

He sprinted back up the stairs and grabbed his hellfire shirt and shoved it over his head.

"IM READY!" he yelled from upstairs.

"IM COMING UP TO CHECK!" Cassie shouted back

"Do you always have to wear that, its fvcking covered in mud and  blood." sighed Cassie.

"Fine, I'll change."

He walked back to her in a black nirvana shirt and his iconic jacket with another pair of black ripped jeans.

"That's better," she winked.

He smirked and walked down the stairs.

"We better head off or we'll be well late." Eleven added.

"Alright, let's go." Cassie stated.

They decided to go in Cassie's red car and started going way faster than the speed limit.

"Slow down, I'm trying to do my lipstick!"

The three arrived and met with the rest of the gang.

"OH MY GOD, EL!" shouted Mike


They hugged and kissed before Robin said, "Guys, we really need to hurry up."

"Okay." answered the group

They all entered the lab, Eleven was shivering but had Mike to comfort her.

"The gate is this way." huffed Eddie

They ran towards it and they all jumped in at the same time.

"You ready?" Cassie asked Eleven.

"I was born ready," replied Eleven

"When we were here last time, Vecna was around that area so we should probably check there." Dustin claimed.

"Let's do it." agreed Nancy.

Although they were cautious, they walked towards the last place that they had seen the monster but there was nothing. Nobody.

"Sh!t, he isn't here." claimed Steve.

"We have to find him." stated Robin

Each one of them went in pairs to split up and find Vecna.

"E- Eddie I'm scared." she weeped.

He bent down to reach her height, kissed her soft, ruddy cheek and whispered, "It'll be okay, trust me."

She smiled slightly and continued walking into a place that wasn't full of trees. It was her House.

"GUYS, ME AND ROBIN FOUND HIM." Steve screamed

Eddie grabbed Cassie's hand and her skirt flew up. He ran as fast as he possibly could to meet with the rest of the people.

"He's there." Whispered Steve

"Holy sh!t." They all muttered.

Vecna had turned around and was now facing Eleven.

Her eyes widened, "I did this to you."

Vecna stood still and clenched his fists, "You can't  defeat me."

She held out her hand draining all of her power. Vecna flew back into the tree and Eleven started screaming. Although parts of his fleshy body were slowing beginning to come off, it wasn't major.

"I wish I could do that." Cassie stated.

Cassie held out her hand to a tree as a joke. It collapsed.

"What the fvck." they claimed.

Eleven fell to the floor and took a deep breath. Before she had chance to get up to finish Vecna, Cassie already had her hand to him and put it hard overtime.

"Holy sh!t."

Cassie was doing it. She had powers.  Everyone was standing, jaws dropped and eyebrows narrowed while her hand moved from side to side. Vecna was slowly but surely disappearing.

Eddie's girlfriend had fallen to the floor and fainted.

"CASSIE. CASSIE WAKE THE HELL UP!" screamed Eddie at the top of his lungs.

She didn't awaken so he sat her on his lap and picked her up carefully.

"We need to leave, now." Eddie claimed

Hurriedly, they left the upside down and ran to the car which couldn't fit them all in so they had to split up.

"W- what happened to Vecna." Cassie asked

"Babe, your awake!"

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