What are we doing here?

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Cassie woke up tied to the same chair as Eddie. She had large cut on her face and huge purple patches.

"Eddie, Eddie wake up." she muttered

Eddie looked around in confusion and as he spun his chair around there were guards staring directly at him. His eyes widened and he whispered to Cassie,"Why does he have a blade?"

"Oh sh!t, I didn't even notice it, are we gonna die? Because I really don't wanna die, I almost already died just a few weeks ago." she muttered back to him.

"Hello, we need you two for different reasons and we will be speaking to Eddie first." claimed one of the soldiers.

He was wearing a green army suit and hat, he had curly, brown hair and black shoes.

"I'll keep an eye on the girl." added a man who was standing in the far corner.

Eddie was shaking as they said to him,"Do you know anything about the death in Hawkins which happened 2 weeks ago?" He asked Eddie, keeping a straight face the entire time.

"N-no I don't even know who got murdered." he replied quietly.

The guard peered at Eddie for a couple of seconds before bursting out into laughter.

"That's ridiculous, everybody know!" he yelled.


Eddie held out the palm of his sweaty hand while biting his bottom lip. The soldier in the centre of the room handed the blood- stained blade to the man who was towering over Eddie. He grinned and brought the blade up to his hand.

"NO!" screamed Cassie as Eddie's hand was drenched in blood.

"You next." the man said

"What did you see when that monster attacked you?" asked the soldier eagerly

"How did you kno-" mumbled Cassie

The pale man interrupted her question by shouting,"I SAID WHAT DID YOU SEE."

She whimpered quietly with her head down, she didn't reply. While she wasn't looking, the guard swiped the blade against her arm.

"Ow!" she shrieked

Eddie snatched the blade from his hand and cut the rope so that he could get out. There was only three soldiers there and he wanted to take out all of them.

"SON OF A BISH!" Screamed Eddie

He punched the first guard in the face, knocking him to the ground. The second one was a lot stronger so he clutched onto the blade and threw it at him, leaving blood gushing out of his right cheek.
"You can either tell us where we are or you'll be next." Eddie said through his gritted teeth.

"Okay, okay. Your in the Hawkins lab." he replied

"I knew it looked familiar!" exclaimed Eddie

"What?" said Cassie, glaring at him

"When we came to save you from the demogorgon we came through the gate here." Eddie answered

The final man let them out after Eddie untied Cassie. She held on to his tattoo covered arm as he picked her up.

"AHHH!!" she yelled while giggling

Her arm was still covered in blood, so Eddie went on a search for some bandages and found some in a room close to the exit.

"Let's go home." he said

She happily agreed until he realised something..

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