The voice in my head

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As the boys entered the upside down it sent a shiver down their spines. Vines and dead corpses covered the floor. Eddie's foot stepped on a vine which set off all of the demobats and they flew down from the red sky which was creating fork lightning every second.
"GUYS WATCH OUT!" screamed Dustin

The demobats flew onto Eddie first
ripping skin off of his stomach. Blood was gushing from his chest and Mike passed him his jacket while stating, "Here take this, apply pressure to the bleeding wounds, alright."
"Alright." replied Eddie

Next, the demobats tried to attack Dustin but that failed when he pulled out Steve's nail baseball bat and hit them with no remorse. They began biting Mike and he shouted,"EDDIE HELP!" but there was no answer.
Eddie had passed out.
"Sh!t, he's losing too much blood." claimed Dustin.
"EDDIE, EDDIE MUNSON WAKE THE HELL UP!" screamed Mike at the top of his lungs.
"What, what happened?" Eddie finally answered after waking up.
Mike finally managed to get the bats off of him by himself.
"Does anyone have any bandages?" asked Dustin.
"Yeah, I have some in my bag." replied Mike.
They began to wrap up his stomach and they placed a band-aid on his chest. Eddie's shirt was covered in crimson red blood so he had to take it off. He was covered in bloody scars and he only had his blue denim jacket to protect himself from the freezing cold. In the distance they heard a voice. A familiar voice, "EDDIE HELP, IS ANYONE THERE?"
"CASSIE IS THAT YOU?!" Eddie exclaimed

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