Breathe in, breathe out

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Eddie held Cassie in her lap, "Sweetie, I can't believe you just did that!"

She smiled and almost passed out again.

"It's alright, we're nearly home. Robin, can stay with Cassie tonight while I go for the D&D game?" he asked while comforting Cass.

"Sure! How long will it be for?"

"2 hours." he replied

"Alright i'll be there at 9." Robin stated.

Closing her eyes, Cassie leant her head on his shoulder.

"No, no, no don't fall asleep."

"You think her powers were temporary because of her anger?" Steve asked

"Possibly, but we'll find out soon." answered Robin.

The car came to a stop as well as the one behind them. Robin, Mike and Eddie who was also carrying Cassie.

"Are you sure, you'll be able to do it without collapsing." Eddie asked before Dustin had the chance to.

Eddie placed her back on her feet before replying, "Honey, it's a door."

He chuckled and blushed. They all stood, gathered around the door with Cassidy and Eleven infront.

"Remember, keep focused on what you want to do." reminded Eleven.

"Alright." Cass said.

She hesitated for a moment before rapidly lifting her head up which caused the door to fly open.

"Holy sh!t." stated Dustin. "My sister has telekinetic powers."

She giggled and said, "I wanna test it on a person."

Everyone backed up except one person. Steve Harrington.

"I'll do it." sighed Steve.

"Okay, you ready?" she asked reassuringly

"I'm ready."

He stepped a small distance away from her so she had space. She held out her hand which was spread apart and slightly bent. Steve slowly levitated in the air. Cassie quickly put her hand down and yawned.

"AHHH!" yelled Steve as he hit the spiky blades of grass.

"Oops." she chuckled.

They all laughed it off and gathered inside of Cassie's house. While the gang was talking, no one notices Cass hyperventilating in the corner of the room.

"Cassie!" gasped Eddie, noticing her slumped on the floor.

"She'll be tired, do you know how hard it is to defeat Vecna. Even I couldn't do it." claimed El.

"Eddie.." she whispered as he lifted her up.

"Yes honey?" he mumbled back.

"I love you, so much."

He placed his lips on her ears,"I love you more."

She was placed on her bed by Eddie and kissed on the forehead.

"I have to go back to the hide out to play D&D but Robin will be here with you." stated Eddie


She heard his quiet foot trail out of the room and she started to day dream which suddenly turned to a nap. Half an hour later, Robin tip- toed into the bedroom and whispered closely to Cassie, "Cass, dinners ready."

She stumbled down the stairs- still half asleep.  Robin had cooked some pasta with cheese (which was Cassidy's favourite). Once they had eaten their meal, Cassie stated, "I wanna practise my powers."

"That's fine by me!" exclaimed Robin.

Cassie stood up from the table and suddenly realised something.

"Wait, can't El find people with a blindfold."

Robin and Cassie shared a glance before Robin stated, "Let's do it."

She handed Cass a blindfold that she had found in her bedroom and Cassidy tied it around her face.

"Imma look for Eddie."

"Oo alright." replied Robin.

She was in the void. In the far distance, she saw Eddie sat at a table with Mike, Dustin and his other friends.

*In the void (what Cass can see and hear)*

"I wish Cassie was here, I've been teaching her D&D." claimed Eddie.

"Yeah well it wasn't like that last time she played." Dustin added.

"That's true." Mike answered.

"Shut up." Eddie replied, "Let's just get back to the game."

*Out of the void*

Cass ripped the blindfold off of her face and yelled, "It worked!"

"What did you see?" asked Robin curiously.

"Just the boys arguing like always." Cassie answered

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