Lingering confusion

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"Baby, you need to wake up!" shouted Eddie. "It's time for breakfast!"

Cassie jumped out of Eddie's bed in her stripy pajamas. She yawned loudly which made Eddie giggle so she laughed along aswell. She put her beans in the microwave and Eddie made some toast.
"The toast is ready!" Eddie exclaimed
"So are the beans!" added Cassie

They set it out on the plates and began to eat.
"Remember when the demogorgon came?" asked Eddie
"Yeah, but then it just disappeared." answered Cassie, feeling slightly uncomfortable.
"It's okay babe." He said, being able to tell that she was upset.
He planted a kiss on her forehead and she smiled. They heard a knock.
"WHO IS IT?" yelled Cassie
"DUSTIN!" He shouted back

Eddie kicked the door open and his baggy ripped jeans were hanging over the concrete.
"Come in." he said
"Hi Cass." stated Dustin
"Hi." she replied

Before they could start a new conversation, soldiers burst through the door,"Does Eddie Munson live here?" asked one of the soldiers
"Um yes." mumbled Cassie, with a confused expression on her red face.
"Are you Cassidy Henderson?" the soldier asked, his eyes wide open while he said it.
"Y- yes." she stuttered.
"Eddie, Cassidy come with me." multiple soldiers stated formally.
"I'm scared." Cassie whispered to Eddie.
He placed his hands on her cheeks and muttered back to her,"It'll be alright."

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