A huff and a puff

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"Sh!t, I don't have my van, we're going to have to walk." sighed Eddie.

"It's fine." replied Cassie

They began walking through the abandoned roads and through the forest. Large trees towered over the couple as they strolled through.

"How do you think they knew about everything?" Cassie asked curiously.

"I don't know, but we might have to relocate because they all know where we live." claimed Eddie

"But where would we go?!" Cassie exclaimed.

"I know a house near Dustin." he added.

"Uh, its my house too." she giggled

"Oh yeah, wait but I thought you lived with me?" Eddie chuckled.

"I do, but I still kinda live there." she answered

"There's also a house near Lucas." he said. It has two bedrooms and it's pretty big."

"Why would we need two bedrooms?" she asked jokingly.

Eddie blushed and grinned while looking up at the oak trees. They could see the trailer park in the distance but Dustin and the gang were still inside of it.

"My arm really hurts." she groaned

He kissed the top of her head and said,"It'll be alright, honey."

The two of them sprinted towards the trailer and Cassie kicked the locked door open.

"I didn't know you could do that." Eddie claimed, feeling quite surprised.

"Your back! What happened."

Dustin glared at the scars which were covering their bodies,"What did they do to you?"

Cassidy answered him with a simple answer,"Questioned us, hurt us."

Dustin gulped as Cassie and Eddie slumped themselves onto the couch.

"Wait Eddie, them guards you knocked out, are they dead?" she asked feeling concerned.

"No, I don't think so."he replied

"Crap, they know where we live, we need to get out of here."

"You can stay at mine. I'm never there anyways and Cass can look after the house. My parents aren't coming back in 4 months anyways." Dustin muttered so no one outside could hear him.

"Our parents." Cassie said annoyingly.

"Sounds like a good idea." claimed Eddie.

"C'mon let's go!" Eddie yelled

"Be quiet!" everyone shrieked at Eddie.

They leapt into the van as she told Eddie her home address, "96 Elmer Street."

"I can't believe I'm in a van with Eddie Munson, trying to escape from the police." she exclaimed with a sigh.

"What, I'm not that bad am I?" He chuckled.

She cupped her hands around his face and whispered,"You are."

They both laughed until Eddie shouted,"Sh!t, I forget the drugs!"

He turned back around and she bashed her scarred into the side of the van.

"Ow!" she screeched.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, he gently patted her arm before getting back to driving.

He arrived back at his 'castle' and picked up the small black box. They raced out of the trailer and he drove as fast as he could to their new house. Luckily for them, it was only a 10 minute drive and sice Eddie was going so fast they arrived quicker than expected.

"Welcome to my Palace!" she exclaimed with a cheeky giggle

They walked in and Cassie showed Eddie around,"This is the bedroom we're gonna be sleeping in."

"Wow your room is a- amazing!" He stuttered slightly.

"You mean our room?" she sarcastically asked.

It had poster covering the biggest wall behind her double bed with black and white checkered sheets. Beside her bed, was a desk with her textbooks on it but Eddie spotted something else, her diary.
Her walls were painted a light gray colour and one of them was all black. Fairy lights hung from the ceiling and they lit up the room. It had large, wooden tiles with a rug in front of her door saying 'Get out of my room.' with a small smiley face underneath it.

Eddie's trauma | Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now