Wrong move

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After the incident with Jason Carver they drove off in their groups and headed to the gate at Hawkins lab. When they arrived Eddie whispered to himself, "Here we go again."
This time Dustin had brought a small knife to break open the chains. Cassie, Eddie, Steve and Dustin leapt through the large, smashed window into the abandoned building.

"The gate, it's this way." stated Dustin

"I we should meet with the others when we pass through the gate." suggested Cassie

"Good idea." replied Eddie with a blood- stained bandage wrapped around his wounded chest.

The gate was close. They could all see the particles coming from the far left of the hallway. Panting, Cassie ran towards it grabbing Eddie's wrist, "Come one guys, if we don't hurry up something could happen to Lucas. Something bad."

They rushed into the room and Cassie started to cough.

"It'll be alright." Eddie comforted her

They entered the gate one by one after Steve who went first. In the distance they saw a human looking figure and it sounded like it was wailing in pain.

"AHH." cried the mysterious silhouette.

"Sh!t sh!t sh!t!" exclaimed Cassie.

"Guys!" yelled a voice from behind them.

"Robin!" claimed Steve in excitement.

"We heard screaming from over there." stated Dustin.

"So did we," replied Nancy.

"It came from over there!" mumbled Mike.

Now that they were all together, they walk towards the gloomy noise. Squelch. Dustin had stepped on a vine.


As the groups got closer they heard a shout, "DUSTINN!!"


They ran towards Lucas who was surrounded by the one and only vecna. He had red, wrinkly skin and white eyes. He noticed them, the group. Forcefully, he moved his head and pushed them back slightly so they could witness their best friends' death. Bringing his hand to Lucas' face and he slowly levitated into the air whilst screaming for help but no one could help him. Vecna was too powerful. Lucas' body lay flat in the air, his jaw cracking and arms and legs snapping like uncooked spaghetti. His eyes jumped out of his sockets but were no where to be seen. Eddie grabbed Cassie's hand and muttered to her, "Just like Jason had said."

She let out a sigh before asking,"Dustin, do still have that knife?"

"Yes I do, why?" he replied cautiously.

"Give it to me." she demanded

Dustin handed his sister the knife and while Vecna was looking at Lucas' dead body stabbed him in the back and took a big step backwards. Vecna froze, turned around and claimed,"There is only one person who can kill me, eleven."

Mike gasped,"El?!"

Vecna disappeared and then ran out ready to find Eleven. Tiptoeing out so he doesn't step onto another vine, Dustin took the knife from Cassidy's hand and hurried forward.  They jumped through the gate and all Mike could think about was... Lucas.

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