A realisation

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It was time for Cassie to remove the silver foil from the top of her head. Her brown, luscious hair came flowing down onto the bed. It came down to the end of her spine and was smooth and silky.

"Wow!" gasped Eddie in amazement.

"You like it?!" she exclaimed

"I- I love it!" he replied

She giggled and winked at him and he ruffled her new hairstyle in return. Cass smiled and then heard ringing coming from downstairs.

"Ugh, I bet that's Dustin." groaned Cassie

She ran down the stairs and said, "Hi."


"Holy sh!t, calm down we're coming." Cassie replied with a deep sigh.

She slammed the phone back onto the kitchen wall.

"Who was it?" asked Eddie from upstairs.


He chuckled, "Oh."

"We have to go to Nancy's house ." Cassie stated.

"Why?" questioned her boyfriend

"I don't know, he just said he had good and bad news." she claimed.

"We should probably go then." answered Eddie.

"True." she said.

They ran to the car, happy that it was only a few minutes away.

"Piece of sh!t!" exclaimed Cassidy because she noticed she was out of gas.

"We can use mine, c'mon." mumbled Eddie.

The couple finally head off to Nancy's house, wondering what the news could be. Mike's house was just around the corner so Eddie went faster and faster until they finally arrived. Cassie shoved the door open and shouted, "HELLO BROTHER!"

"Oh my goodness, Cassie you scared me!" exclaimed Nancy's mother.

"Let's go upstairs." Dustin whispered.

As she entered the upstairs area, she was mortified. There sat in front of her was Jason fvck!ng Carver tied to a chair. They made eye contact before Mike cracked the silence by saying, "Good news first or bad news."

"Bad news first, always." Cassie and Eddie stated together while they giggled.

"Lucas is in the upside down." claimed Dustin.

"The good news is that we know what did it." said Steve.

"Who!?" exclaimed Cassie eagerly.


"WHAT, VECNA!?" Eddie yelled in reply.

"I know it sounds crazy but our dear friend, Jason, was there when Patrick was killed and he said that his bones completely snapped in half and his eyes popped out of the sockets, leaving dark, bloody holes." Mike replied.

"Dear friend." laughed Cassie sarcastically.

"I'll kill you with this shard." Jason stated

Eddie's laughter dropped into a frown before he said, "Really?"

Eddie leapt forward reaching for the glass shard. Jason was holding it up and it stabbed Eddie in the chest.

"SH!T." cried Eddie, laying in a pool of blood.

Cassie handed Dustin her jacket, "Pressure on the wound."

"Shouldn't you be doing this? He's your boyfriend." asked Dustin.

"I'm gonna deal with this b!tch." Cassie smiled.

"I'd like to see you try." Jason chuckled.

Cassie walked forward, ducking under the shard of glass that Jason had just tried to thrown on her.

"Sh!t." he mumbled, knowing that he was defenceless.

"Give me the glass." she said to Robin as she picked it up.

Robin threw it over to Cassie and she wandered up to Jason, "You really thought you'd be able to beat me. A black belt in karate. Well you were wrong."

"Uh guys we need to get Vecna." Steve stated.

She swiped the piece of glass against the skin on his cheek leaving blood dripping down onto his shirt. Cassie held out her hand and picked up Eddie as he kissed her pink lips. Jason was still attached to the chair, yelping in pain. The gang (Cassie, Eddie, Dustin, Mike, Steve, Nancy and Robin) ran out of the house and split up into two groups even though they were meeting at the same place. The forest near the trailer park. The two groups were Cassie, Eddie,Steve and Dustin. The other group included: Mike, Nancy, Robin and Erica decided to join them as well.

"Oh Cass, I never noticed your wonderful hair!" exclaimed Dustin.

She raised an eyebrow, "Uhh, thanks?"

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