The weird weekend

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As Cassie woke up, Eddie was already making breakfast.
"Goodmorning sleepyhead, I stayed up all night listening to your snoring." he said.
Cassie chuckled and walked into Eddie's bedroom where she found a container of drugs and weed.
"Why the hell do you have weed in your cabinet?" asked Cassie angrily.
"I sell it... and smoke it." replied Eddie quietly.
"Why do you keep in your bedroom cabinet, why don't you hide it somewhere better like in your closet or something?" she added
"Wait, so you don't care that I have drugs in there?!" Eddie exclaimed
"Uh no, am I supposed to?" She answered.
"EDDIE, WHERE THE HELL IS MY SISTER?" yelled Dustin through the open window.
"Sh!t, you need to hide quickly." Eddie claimed
Cassie snook under Eddie's bed which had many cardboard boxes full of dungeons and dragons games which reminded her of what happened last night.
"SHE'S NOT IN HERE AND IM MAKING BREAKFAST SO GO AWAY!" Eddie shouted back to the annoying kids.
"WE'RE COMING IN." screeched Mike
"Why are you making so much breakfast?" they asked
"Uh I'm just really hungry." Eddie said reluctantly.
"You never eat this much." Dustin added onto his previous statement.
"Whatever." Shrugged Eddie
"Can I come out now?" Cassie whispered.
"WHY THE FVCK IS MY SISTER AT YOUR HOUSE." Dustin shouted so loud that the entire trailer park heard it.
"Well you idiots didn't care that she was crying on the edge of the sidewalk, so thats why I brought her home in my van and then she fell asleep. Is that good enough for you?" Eddie answered furiously.
"Get out." demanded Cassie
"Fine but you better be back by tonight."Dustin said while leaving the trailer.
"Here are your scrambled eggs and bacon!" Eddie exclaimed
"Thank you!" she replied cheerfully.
After she had eaten her breakfast Eddie took her to skull rock so they could hang out.
"I really like it here, especially with you." Cassie stated
Eddie smirked while saying,"Me too."
Cassie blushed as she walked closer to the boy, "Have you heard about that new monster in the town, do you think its true?"
"Nah, I don't believe in that stuff." answered Eddie.
Cassie giggled until a group of people approached her...

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