A happy return

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The following day was school. El hadn't arrived yet and Cassie really didn't wanna go they. Eddie sprayed his cologne and said, "Why don't you wanna go to school?"

She sighed and mumbled, "No reason."

They set off in the black van for the 10 minute drive. Luckily, the couple arrived earlier because of Eddie speeding.

Cassie walked into the building, putting her hood up and whispering to Eddie, "I love you, goodbye."

"I love you too." he replied

She set off in the opposite direction to her boyfriend because they had different classes; she had English and he had Math. Cassidy arrived to class and slumped her purple backpack onto the table as she got out her books. Behind her, she heard a voice. Kelly's voice. Kelly was Cassie's bully but she never stood up to her, even if she could.

"Look! It's the monster!" exclaimed Kelly

"I know right, I can't believe she did that to Jason." said the girl beside her.

Cass ignored them and when she looked at the door, waiting for Robin to walk in she saw Jason Carver. He had a black eye and cut mouth and face. Next came in Chrissy, Chrissy Cunningham. Chrissy walked past Cassie's desk and slipped a note to her saying 'Meet me in the bathroom after class.'

Cass smiled at her but Jason grabbed the girls wrist and pushed her into her assigned seat. After class, Cass hurried to the bathroom to meet with Chrissy. She pushed the doors wide open to see Chrissy fidgeting with her cheer costume.

"Cass, hi!" she exclaimed.


"I know what you did to Jason, and I'm happy you did it." Chrissy whispered

"Wait what?!" Cass shouted

"Shh. I broke up with him but he is still too controlling."

"CASS, BABE YOU IN HERE?" Eddie yelled into the bathroom.

"Eddie?!" stated the girls.

"There you are!" Eddie exclaimed

"Oh gotta go my class starts in 2 minutes, bye!" claimed Chrissy

"Bye!" stated Cassie

"What is your next class?" asked Eddie curiously.

"Uh, history." she replied.

"Yes! same!" he claimed.

Cassie tugged onto his hellfire shirt and went in for a deep kiss. She set off to class and Eddie stood in the girls bathroom blushing. Eddie was late for class again but when he actually did turn up Kelly shouted, "Everyone look, it's the freak!"

Cassie gritted her teeth in anger and winked at him. He bit his lip and smirked at her.

"Aww, does the freak love the loser." Kelly stated

Eddie narrowed his eyebrows and stood at the front of the class. He thought everyone liked Cass.

"What did you say?" Eddie asked furiously.

Cass looked down at her desk and threw her hood back up.

"You b!tch." Eddie claimed to Kelly

He walked over to Cassie and held her hand. Eddie pushed her hood down while pushing her hair back, "It's alright, honey."

She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. There were no extra seats in the class because another year was using them so Eddie had to sit on the floor next to Cassidy. She ruffled his hair for the entire class until it was over. At the end of the school day they jumped in the van and went home.

"So you get bullied, huh." stated Eddie

"Yep." she sighed

When they arrived home the phone started ringing.

"Hi, who is it?" Cassie asked

"It's El, I'm a few minutes away."

"Yes, that's great!" she exclaimed.

She put the phone down and threw her bag on the floor.

"I wanna kill Kelly." she claimed furiously.

"Woah, woah, woah." stated Eddie

Knock, knock, knock.

Cass opened the door to see a long haired girl with a fringe. It was Eleven.


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