Cursed Celia

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"Guys, guess what was just on the news?!" Dustin said breathlessly.
"What happened?" Cassie answered
"Celia has just been found dead next to the lake and her body was covered in blood! We also know the name of the monster who killed her." Lucas announced.
"Monster?!" The two gasped together.
"Yeah, you know D&D." Dustin said
"Of course I do, I have an entire club dedicated to it." Eddie replied.
"Well it's the demogorgon, it either brings you into the upside down or it just devours you on the spot." added Cassie's younger brother.
"Well that's great to know." Cassie sighed
"Let's go back to the trailer, I need time to think about this." Cassie stated
"Sure." Eddie answered
They hopped in the van and Eddie lit his cigarette. When they arrived Cassie said, "I can't believe she's dead."
Her eyes began watering until she suddenly burst into tears.
"Cassie!" Eddie yelled
He put her on the couch and wrapped his arms around her.
"She was my best friend and now guess what, I have no friends. No one likes me." she shouted in devastation.
"I like you, you're my friend." Eddie claimed.
Cassie smiled back at him and hugged him tighter while whispering in his ear, "Thank you for everything."
She leaned her head on his shoulder and he smirked for the eighteenth time.
"Wanna try some of my clothes?" asked Eddie
"Ooo sounds fun!"
"Your first outfit is this:

 "Wanna try some of my clothes?" asked Eddie"Ooo sounds fun!""Your first outfit is this:

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"Uh where did you get this from?" asked Cassie with a confused tone of voice.
"I don't know I just pulled it out of my closet but just wear it."
Eddie stared at her with his mouth wide open, "Wow."
"Do you like it."
"You look amazing." He replied
"I might wear more often." she said
"Yes please do." Eddie whispered to himself.
She sat down next to him with a grin on her face.

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