The real monster

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They followed the voice which led to a girl tied to a tree with the thick vines. That girl was Cassie.
"Oh my god Cassie, what happened!?" Eddie asked
"Th- that monster it- it got me and it brought me here." she replied in a shaky voice.
He places his hand on her thigh before Cassie says,"What happened to you, where did you get these scars from?"
"The demobats." he answered
She put her hand on his biggest scar which hadn't been wrapped up,"It looks serious, you should probably see a doctor. Anyways, anyone got a knife to cut me out of these vines?"
"I don't have a knife but I have a gun." claimed Eddie.
"Why do you have a gun?" Mike asked feeling slightly alarmed.
"Reasons." replied Eddie in a cheeky voice.
Before he shot the vine he turned to look at her and he smirked which was followed by a wink. She blushed and smirked back at him. He pulled the trigger. Behind him he heard a snarl the same snarl Cassie had heard.
"It's here." muttered Cassie
A large monster appeared from the darkness. It had a flower petal face and endless rows of teeth. The monster had no eyes and was around 9ft tall. Eddie handed his gun to Mike as he focused on getting Cassie untied. Dustin swung the nails at the demogorgon as Mike shot it which knocked it back a few steps. As soon as Cassie was untied, she picked up a wooden pole.
"Cassie, what are you doing?" Dustin asked his sister.
"You'll see." she replied
She grasped the wooden pole, glanced at Eddie and threw it right in-between the five flower petals. The demogorgon fell to the floor and disintegrated into a million pieces. But was it really dead.
As soon as it disappeared a portal appeared. A gate. Eddie gave Cassie a tight hug before going to hold her hand.
"Let's get out quick." Dustin shrieked
Eddie and Cassie jumped through the gate together and Dustin and Mike followed after them. They had realised that they had been taken to the trailer park where Max was feeding her dog.
"I'll stay here with Eddie tonight." stated Cassie.
"Fine." said Dustin
"Are you sure your alright?" Eddie said trying to reassure Cassie
"He tied me up to the tree and then snarled at me with his long ass teeth." claimed Cassie.
"Sounds horrible."
"It was."

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