A mall disaster

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When they had settled in, Eddie looked in Cassidy's closet to see if he could wear any of her clothes.

"NO don't look in ther-"

"Oh my god."

He stood there gazing at short pink skirts and crop tops.

"I am gonna have to go to the mall and by some new clothes because no way am I wearing that sh!t." he stated

"I'm coming too, I like your clothes more!" she exclaimed.

Instead of riding in Eddie's black truck, they went to the mall in Cassie's small, red car to hopefully not get recognised.

"How much money did you bring?" Eddie asked.

"$700." she mumbled.

"Where from?!"

"Well when you knocked out those guards and you left I found $250 in each of their pockets and I had $200 at home." she explained


"BUT, I'll split it, $350 each." she stated

His face lit up in happiness and he shouted,"Thank you!"

He hugged her so tight to the point where she began to cough. He immediately let go and whispered,"Are you alright?!"

"Yeah."she replied

They walked into the large mall which had atleast a hundred shops. Cassie pointed to the clothing store that she usually get her clothes from. At the far end of the shop, there were black, ripped jeans and denim jackets. The black AC/DC shirt she wanted was on the top shelf which she couldn't reach. Eddie suddenly picked her up and sat her on his shoulders so she could reach. She leaned over and grasped the shirt by the bottom of it. Eddie slowly put her down to make sure that she doesn't get hurt.

In the entrance of the store they saw Patrick, one of Jason's friends. Jason was one of the popular boys who thought of Eddie as a freak. The two shrugged it off and went to get Eddie some clothes. Cass ran off to the pajama section and held her hand up to reach some silk nightwear. She bought a gray short set as they were comfier than the longer versions.

"I don't need any pajamas." claimed Eddie.

"Well your not wearing mine." replied Cassie

"I know." he said

When their shopping carts were finally full, they went to check out. The cashier was chewing strawberry flavoured gum as Cassie could smell it from where she was standing. Eddie and Cassie paid separately so they wouldn't get the money mixed up.

Cassie decided to pay first.

"$68." the cashier said to Cassie.

While Eddie was paying, two boys came up to Cassidy without knowing that she was there with Eddie. Jason and Patrick.

"Hi." he said to her.

"What do you want, Jason?" she asked with anger in her voice.

"Aww, she's getting snappy."Patrick added.

"Eww look the freaks here." Jason stated, pointing at Eddie

Cassie scoffed at him and rolled her eyes,"Shut up."

Eddie walked over to her,"Mine cost $8-" He was cut off by Jason and Patrick's laughter.

"Get away from her now." shrieked Eddie.

Jason rubbed his hand along her soft cheeks, making Eddie feel jealous inside. Before Eddie could say a word, Cassie who was furious at this stage, slapped Jason across the face leaving a red mark across the side of his head. Both of them could tell he was embarrassed.

"Get off of me." she said

Eddie stood there shocked about what his girlfriend just did.

"Are you two together or some sh!t?" asked Patrick jokingly.

"In fact, yes we are so back away from my girlfriend." Eddie claimed

"No way, the school nerd with the school freak." exclaimed Jason, still feeling pain throughout his face.

That was when Jason spotted the scars and bruises spread across her body. They covered her face, legs and arms and the ignorant boys could see all of those things. Eddie began to fiddle with his hair, knowing what Jason was gonna say after noticing the injuries from the soldiers.

"Wait, did the freak do this to you?" Jason said, lifting up her left arm.

"NO, I WOULD NEVER DO THAT, I EVEN HAVE ONE ON MY HAND." yelled Eddie, making the woman at the cash register cover her aching ears.

"Did he do it?" asked Jason for the final time.

"NO, he already told you." grunted Cassie

Jason touched her hand and whispered,"You can tell me the truth."

As soon as she was about to say no, Eddie slapped Jason's arm and hid Cassie behind him.

"GO AWAY." he shouted angrily.

Jason and Patrick walked away laughing and giggling and Cassidy bit her bottom lip, wanting to go up to them and punch them so hard that they would leave them alone but she knew that she couldn't do that.

Trying to forget everything that had just happened Eddie said calmly,"Mine came to $88."

Since they had some money left over, they visited a few shops including: the ice cream parlour, the medical store and the grocery store.

"I have $167 left!" exclaimed Cassie

"Well I have $234 left." stated Eddie proudly.

"That's only because I paid for groceries!" she claimed in a silly voice.

They both giggled hysterically but Cassie noticed that something felt wrong to her. She immediately turned around when she heard mumbling and muttering.

"I am sick of them!" she said to Eddie.

Cassie walked up to Jason and didn't have time to confront them as she was interrupted by the words,"Good to see you again, cut Cassie."

She scoffed and pinned him up against the wall, her grip being so tight that he couldn't escape.

"Let me get this clear because your dumb a$$ brain clearly cannot understand that Eddie, my boyfriend, didn't do this to me but I can't tell you what did because it would put us all in danger." Cassie explained proudly.

"Yeah right your probably just lying because your scared of him." Jason said, thinking his point was valid.

Cassie was sick of it and had enough of him. Just as he began laughing at the girl who was holding him up with all of her force and the boy who was stood a few metres away, she clenched her fists and punched Jason in the face. Blood appeared on his face and his eyes were wide open hoping she wouldn't do anything else. It didn't last long until she kneed him in the stomach leaving him slumped on the dirty mall floor which now had a few drops of blood on it.

"SH!T!" shouted Jason and everyone in the entire mall turned to stare at the boy on the ground.

"Honey, we've gotta get outta here." Eddie stated.

They hurried quickly out of the mall and Eddie said,"I can't believe you did that!"

"I am not gonna stand there all day with two stupid boys following me around. Its just creepy." Cass replied confidently.

Cassie began going faster to get back to the house quicker. The journey back to the place they now call home was tiring but it was still quite early in the day so they wanted to stay awake.

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