Chapter: 7

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©2013 by Stephanie Stewart. [All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of myself, Stephanie Stewart.


**Edited 10/23/15**

Chapter: 7

Allison Hall

It's like I'm walking a flipping egg shells or I'm a piece of fragile glass when I'm around him! He had to go back to work, so of course he's gotten someone to come and stay with me! I may snap soon, I don't know how much more I'll be able to handle! I'm tired of being treated like I can't take care of myself. I'm 18 years old!

Right now, my brother is here. I kind of want to be alone! I've been trying to get him to go, but NO! Nathan probably threatened him! I let out a frustrated sigh! I feel like I'm being suffocated. I was currently sitting on the couch touching my small bump! I had a huge smile present! It's just fascinating! I have a small, delicate, human being growing inside of me!

"Hey Sis?" I heard Alex call from the doorway.

I looked up to meet Alex's eyes. "Um, Hm?"

"May I touch your belly?" He asks.

"You know the baby isn't kicking around yet?" I raised my eyebrows up at him.

"I know! Can I though?" I just nod my head. He walks over towards me and places his hand on my small bump. I can see the corners of his mouth go up. The dimples on each side are clearly visible. My brother doesn't smile a lot, but when he does it's amazing! He has a dazzling smile!

His smile here recently has been more visible. Lexi just brings out a good thing in him.

"Sis?" His voice brings my eyes back up to his face. I was watching his hand on my belly!

"Yeah, bubba?" I say. I haven't called him that in a while!

He silently cursed. "Alex?"

"I can't tell you!" He laid his head on the hand rest on the sofa.

 "Just tell me bro!" I didn't mean for my voice to sound harsh.

 "When I was in New York, I almost died.." I gasped when he said that!

When my brain finally started working again I said, "How?"

"We were at a club and Nathan went back inside because he left something. This dude was peed off because I stole his gig and after the show he was in the ally. He beat me so bad. He would have killed me, but Nathan finally came out and jumped in. My back was broke. I was lucky Ali! I almost died. Mom or dad have no idea about this! Don't be mad at Nathan, I told him to keep it on the DL." He was staring at the wall the whole time he told me. I saw him wince a few times, remembering the pain.

I rubbed my hands on his back, trying to soothe him. I was at a loss of words right now! Why wouldn't he tell me? "Why didn't you say anything?" I ask, quietly.

He took a deep breath and said, "I wanted to forget it..." I know that had to be a shocking experience. I wish I knew how to help! I know there was a frown present on my face. My eyes are wet from the tears that passed through them.

Our Life! Book #2 (Sequel to "Who to Choose?") **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now