Chapter: 28

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©2013 by Stephanie Stewart. [All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of myself, Stephanie Stewart.


**Edited 10/26/15**

Chapter: 28

Allison Petterson

I cracked my eyes open to the sun streaming through the window.  I propped up and looked at Nathan's sleeping body beside me. He was still out. I took a deep breath and eased off the bed. Once my feet hit the ground, I stretched my stiff muscles.

I walk out of the room and go to Julie's room. They were both up. "Hey guys." I said, standing in the doorway.

Their eyes focused on me. "How is he?" Kaitlyn asked.

I ran my hands through my ratted up hair, and sighed. "He was drunk last night. I really hurt him by hiding that."

"What happened?" Julie asked.

"He already knew! He went through my stuff. He thought he done something wrong to cause me to hide that." I took a breath before finishing, "I told him why I hid it and why I didn't want to go."

They both gave me sympathetic smiles and grabbed me into a bone-crushing hug. "Okay girls, l-let g-go."

"Sorry!" They both said.

"My back hurts. I am going to shower. Let me know if he wakes up." I go grab my clean clothes from my bag and head out into the hall. I go to the room to check on him. He was sitting up with both feet on the ground, clutching his head.

I place my things into the bathroom and go back to the room. "Are you okay, baby?"

He looked up and sighed. "I'm a fu***ng idiot!" He mumbled.

I went and sat beside him. I placed my hand on his arm. "You're not an idiot. If you're an idiot, so am I. I hid that stuff and I shouldn't have."

"You had your reasons. I understand, but that isn't why I was calling myself an idiot." He admitted.

He rolled his eyes. "No baby, it's not that. I am calling myself an idiot because I drove drunk. I am a fu***ng Cop! I know better!"

I nodded, understanding what he meant. "I got you inside. You did no harm to anyone or yourself baby. So, stop worrying."

He sighed. "I can't baby. Our daughter, right now could be without her father. I do not want her to grow up without a father! I know somewhat how that is! I do not want my girl to grow up alone! I don't want for you to have to raise her on her own." He had tears in his eyes by the end of his speech. My breath caught at his admittance of his fears.

I just held him in my lap while he cried. It broke my heart. "Shhh, it's okay Nathan." I kept saying to him, while I rubbed my hands up and down his back.

After a while like that, he finally straightened up and dried his eyes.  I placed both of my hands on his face and pulled it towards me.  I ran my hands gently down his face and smiled. "I love you and you are here. You are safe! You are going to be here for our daughter when she is born! I promise!"

Our Life! Book #2 (Sequel to "Who to Choose?") **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now