Chapter: 37

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Don't scroll to the bottom because I am revealing the 3rd books name!

Can't wait to reveal it! Epp!

Also, It's her baby shower! :)


Happy reading my lovelies!


Chapter: 37

Allison Petterson

My mother and I made our way to her van. She helped me inside, while making fun of me in the process. I just scolded my mother. She just continued to laugh at me.

“Are you hungry?” She said while checking her watch. “You still have 2 hours until your baby shower.”

“We can head to the house and eat there.” I suggested. She nodded and started the car. I pulled out my phone and sent my baby a text.

Allison: Hey, baby! :) I miss you! Our two children are fine! There is nothing to worry about! Andrew was easier to find this time. Holland was pushing on my stomach! I wished you could have been there! I will see you at home later! Have a good day! I love you! <3

I sat there and strummed my fingers onto my leg as Cruise by Florida Georgia Line played on the radio. My mom started to sing along to the song. She used to not sing much. She must be happy. She only sings when she is happy. I just smiled and sang along. “Baby you a song, you make me wanna roll my windows down and cruise.”

We got to my house just in time to hear the end of the song. Mom and I were giggling once we parked the van. She looked over to me and smiled. “I haven’t done that in a long time!”

“Me either!” I managed to say after I was finished with my laughing fit.

She smiled once more and got out of the van. She made her way to my side and helped me out. “How are you feeling?” She asked as she pulled me out.

“I am fine. Tired.” I admitted to her as we walked to the door. I got out my keys and unlocked the door. We went inside and she pointed towards the couch. I threw my hands up as if I was surrendering and sat down on the couch. I propped my feet up and laid back.

I heard my mother banging on stuff inside of the kitchen. I just groaned and closed my eyes. I let my eyes close and I began to drift off into the wonderful, much needed, land of sleep. I was rudely interrupted when I felt someone shake me. I just groaned and turned over. I heard a giggle. I cracked my eyes open to see my sister. “Hey there sleepy head!” She said very chipper I may add.

“Hi.” I said with a big yawn.

She sat on the edge of the couch and I turned over to where I was flat on my back. “Come on boo! We have to get up! Your mom has got food ready! Then we have to go to our dad’s house for your party!”

I groaned and tried to sit up. It just was not happening though. I let out a frustrated sigh while Kasey laughed. She helped me up from the couch and I followed her to the kitchen. “How long was I out for?” I asked as I got into the kitchen. My mother was setting plates out.

My mom just shook her head and laughed. “You were out for almost an hour.” My mouth dropped. Wow! Really? An hour?

 “You are kidding me right?” I asked them both in disbelief.

Our Life! Book #2 (Sequel to &quot;Who to Choose?&quot;) **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now