chapter 07

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Vivan and siya were sitting at her favourite place, balcony, she loves star gazing. Vivan was enjoying this beautiful moment with his life.

Siya-Vivan, everyone was so happy na, i couldn't believe that Veer bhai is  finally married. You know i always thought that Veer bhai is gay.

Vivan- what !! ...

siya innocently nod her head , yeah i mean he never had any girlfriend nor i heard any rumours so i thought may be he is into boys you know in that moviee.

Vivan -Siya my love how many times i  told you that real life is far more different than that of your so called movies.

Siya - Vivan please stop criticizing my movies okay. You know i have decided that in our marriage I'll dress up like Mastani and you will be my bajirao.

Vivan was horrified hearing her wish, hmm Siya i dont think that will be possible my love as you know for that i have to shave my hair , and also in their story bajirao already had a wife but in my case i already have my siya.

Hearing what vivan just told her siya was deep in her thoughts, vivan was continuously chanting,  baby pls maan jao , in his head. I think you are right Vivan. But koi nah jab tak main koi aur character soch lungi. She said looking at him and gave him her dimple smile.  Vivan released a breath that he was holding. And made her sit on his lap. Siya my baby what i am gonna do about you.

Siya- just keep loving me the way you do, never ever leave me vivan , because i dont know how to live without you V.

Vivan kissed her forehead and held her in his arms. He knew how sensitive Siya is. For the outside world she a princess , who have lots of people serving her , but in that mansion full of people siya is still a lost child, who craves for love. Love of his father, love of mother and love of her family. He had tried to shower her with all his love but still somewhere he is unable to fill the gap of her family. Who are so god damn busy in making money that they don't give a damn about Siya. He controlled his anger thinking about her family, he dont want to scare her.
Soon siya fell asleep and vivan took her in his room. He very carefully laid her down on his bed, sit beside her looking her,  because for him his favourite task is to keep gazing his Siya. Soon he too fell asleep with her.

Vardhan was sitting in his room alone , his eyes were blood shot, he emptied 2 bottles of whiskey and was on third one. The alchohol was not able to numb the pain , which he was going through. His heart crave for one person, whom he loved alot more than anyone on this earth. But all he got was a broken heart. His heart is shattered in pieces and now he dont know how to fix it. The love which was suppose to be his shield was the one that completely destroyed him. He is a broken man, with broken heart. He missed her, he want to hold her in his arms and tell her how much he love her. He want to beg her to give him a chance just one chance to prove her that he is better than his brother. That he loved her more than him. He always does and he always will.

Pakhi was gazing the stars from Arohi's room, the room which once was filled with laughter , was silent today. She was thinking about Vardhan. She annoyed him, irritated him, always make fun of him but deep down she knew that how much he is hurting. His eyes speaks more than what his words does. Pakhi was thinking who can hurt a person like vardhan, her vardhan. Yes for her he was her vardhan, but somewhere deep down she knows that this is impossible. Vardhan can never love her back. A single tear rolled down her eyes. She was hurting, but no one other than her was responsible for her heartache. It was her who loved a man, who can't be hers, it was her who still hopes that may be one day vardhan will love her back. One day he will love her just the way she loves him. Soon her sobs were the only sound echoing in the room.

She was lying there like a corpse, her eyes were dead, so was her heart. She was looking at sky , asking god why did they this to her, what was her fault, that she loved him unconditionally. Her eyes were tired of crying. She was broken beyond repair. SHe was continously praying for dead, because for her she had already died the moment he became someone else. Its just the body living because her soul had already died. Her lips were chanting one name only. Veer her veer. Her love, her soul, her destruction. She screamed , letting go of her pain which was once again developing in her heart. Her screams were echoing , but no one heard the shattering of heart that was silent but was more painful than anything.
Veerrrrrrrr, why did you do this to me....... why why why.....

The night saw the union of two souls, it saw the love of two souls but it also witnessed the pain of three souls. One who was already destroyed,  one who was ready to get destroyed and the other who was being destroyed.

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