chapter 33

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Siya was waiting for him in his room. Her heart was thudding, her hands were shivering, she was praying that whatever she was thinking should not be real. It must be her imagination thats it.

Her brother entered in the room..

Rannvijay- Siya , what are you doing at this hour of night.

Siya was trembling, she was holding herself,  she shakingly showed him a ring.

Siya- this.. this is your bhai??

Rannvijay understood that his truth is out. He very calmly asked her.

Rannvijay- where did you get it siya , he was slowly moving towards her. All this while keeping his voice and posture calm.

Siya- it was you... siya asked horrified. She wanted it to be a dream , a nightmare. This cant be happening her brother was the one who betrayed the Randhawa. He is helping sanyukta. How could he do this to her and why...

Why bhai why.. 

Rannvijay closed his eyes, he have  to handle the situation otherwise things will go out of his hands. He had to make his dumb sister understand. He had no other option left. He can't harm her in any way, if he does than his father and vivan Randhawa will not leave him. He will surely kill him.

Rannvijay- Siya I am sorry but i was forced to do that.

Siya- forced bhai seriously... siya screamed at him. She never expected anything from her brother. He never cared for her. He never loved her, for him she was an object. Object to showcase in front of his business clients, he always acted in front of others as a caring dotting brother. But this ,, Siya never thought that he would betrayed Randhawa.

Rannvijay- siya just listen to me. Rannvijay was panicking, his one mistake can cost him his life. Vivan wont leave him. Neither Sanyunkta because other than her he is the only one who knows about her plan. More than vivan he is scared of Sanyunkta, there are chances that vivan might leave but Sanyunkta wont spare him. She wont. He had to do something. He did what first thing comes in his mind. He picked the flower vase kept near her and before Siya could react or shout he hit her hard on her head.

Siya fell on ground. Her forehead was bleeding. She lost consciousness.
Rannvijay hurriedly pick his phone and an important drive and left the room. He made sure to closed it from outside. The first thing what he did was call her. She is the only person who can save him now.

Sanyunkta- you bastard, couldn't you handle your sister. You coward,

Rannvijay- before you say anything, remember Sanyunkta i have every fucking detail that you need for your master plan. I am not asking you anything, i am not even asking you to continue that deal. Just save me Sanyukta and in return I'll give you all god damn information. Just save me.

Sanyukta clam herself down, she know that she needed him not him but the information which he had.

Sanyukta- fine, I'll send you an address once you reach there, burn down your phone, your car. My man will pick you up from there.

Sanyunkta presses her fingers on her head. What an idiot she thought.

Siya was lying in the pool of blood. She was gaining her consciousness. Her head was burning, she knew that soon she'll get faint, she picked her phone which was there in her hand. With shivering hands she dialled one number who she knew is the only person can save her.

Vivan- siya baby, i am so sorry i cant talk with you right now. Veer and Vardhan bhai is..

Siya- vi..v..a.nn it was getting difficult for siya to even utter a word from her mouth. She was on verge of loosing her consciousness,
S...ave me... home... Rannvijay..
That was all she could say before losing her senses.

Vivan- siya ,siya ,SIYA..vivan shouted her name. He was not able to understand anything. Her words were echoing in his ears. Save me.. save her ..  vivan rushed from office. Veer and Vardhan called out his name when they saw him running outside the office.
They both followed him..

Through out his journey to siya's home, vivan tried to call her father, but he was not picking his call, he tried to call her brother Rannvijay but his phone was not in reach.

Vivan-  god damn it, where the hell are these people... vivan slammed his hands on steering wheel. Please siya be okay baby. Please just be okay. .. he pressed on gear and now he was running his car in full speed.
Veer and vardhan who were following him, when realise where he was going. They both uttered the same thing with same fear.

Siyaaa.. shit..

Vivan reached Chauhan mansion, he dashed out from his car. He opened the door, and ran upstairs towards siya room

Vivan- siya.. siya...

He searched her room but she was no where to be found... then he remembered saying rann.. he found a servant standing there..

WHERE IS Rannvijay'S ROOM..

The servant was shivering seeing Vivan Randhawa in this state. He pointed his hand towards left side.

Vivan ran towards his room. Veer and Vardhan also reached Chauhan Mansion.  Seeing vivan going to a room they followed him

As soon as vivan entered Rannvijay's room he stopped dead on his track... siya was lying there. Her forehead was bleeding. He wasn't able to move, he was paralyzed seeing her in this condition. Veer and vardhan also arrived in the room

Vardhan - siya.. fuck..

Veer and vardhan ran towards her . Vardhan checked her pulse.

Vardhan- veer we need to take her to the hospital now. Her pulse are dropping.

Veer nodded his head he picked siya and went outside. Vardhan knew that vivan was in shocked so he hold his arm and pulled him along. All the way calling ambulance and asking his team to make arrangements in the hospital.

Veer carefully laid siya in the back seat of car. Vardhan also made vivan seat at backseat.

Vivan gently kept siya's head on his lap. He was shivering. His body was getting cold.

Vardhan- veer drive fast.

Veer nodded his head. Veer and vardhan both were looking at vivan and siya from the mirror. Vivan hadn't spoke a single word from the time he saw siya lying unconscious....

Vivan was just looking at siya. His senses were lost he didn't knew what is happening. He dont remember anything, just the flashes of siya and her bloodied body was there in his memory.

Veer and Vardhan reached hospital, before veer could pick siya, vivan carried her inside the hospital. All the while looking at her. The team of doctor  was waiting for them. They took siya inside the operation theatre.

Vivan stood like a statue in front of the door. Veer and vardhan were worried for siya but they were equally worried for vivan. His silence was something which they haven't seen till now.
They informed prithvi as well Nandini about siya's situation. They didn't even bother to call her family just like how they didn't care..

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