chapter 09

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Vardhan was sitting in his room, thinking about one girl , who he knew must be in great pain. He knows how it feel when someone you love don't love you back. He knows she is hurting right now but he cant do anything to help, because she hates him, she thinks he is the sole reason behind her misery. He wanted to tell her that never in his dream he can think of hurting her. His thoughts were interrupted by knock on his door.

Vardhan- come in

Seeing veer entering his room he stood and asked bhai is everything okay. Do you need anything.

Veer-No vardhan, i just came here to talk with you. Vardhan I knew that initially you was not happy with my marriage with Aarohi, that's why you was rude to her. And somewhere I had an idea of why you did that. Am I right vardhan.

Vardhan looked at his brother and nods his head.

Veer- words vardhan words. I am here to listen whatever you wanted to say. I know you have many question after that night , tell me Vardhan whats going on with you.

Vardhan- you know it Veer, you very well know the reason behind my behavior. You betrayed her Veer, i dont know for what and why, but you played with her feelings. I knew that Aarohi was mom and dad choice but i also knew that she was never your first choice because your first choice was always her right. You know that night you didn't broke her but you broke one relation that i had with her , which was very precious to me, friendship. You made her hate me veer, i know that she can never love me but her hate is something which is killing me from inside. The hatred in her eyes was enough for my heart to die. What else you want to listen Veer that I'll buy your act of being a happy husband. You know what Veer your one decision destroyed many lives, her, mine, yours and now Aarohi too.
Vardhan shouted the last line , he was panting heavily, he was relieved as he was able to vent out all his emotions to someone and also told Veer how much hurt he was from his Decision.

Veer- are you done, can I talk now,

Vardhan nodded his head, yes he was angry at his brother, he wanted to murder him, but at the same time he can never deny Veer's order. As if his body is complied to follow his orders. Veer hold a glass of water and asked Vardhan to first drink it.

Veer- Vardhan now listen to me very carefully I will not repeat my words and I want you trust me on what I am going to say. I never loved Sanyukta Vardhan. For me she was only my friend. A friend who was there when I needed her the most. She stood by me in my thicks and thins. I don't know from which of my actions or words she interpreted that I loved her, but No I never loved her. Yes i knew about your love and many times i tried my best to make her see your love but she always took your act as friendship. That day when she proposed me i denied it Vardhan , not because of you but because of me. I know she thought that because of your feelings I said no to her proposal and rest you know how she reacted. Vardhan I agreed to this marriage not because of Maa , papa, but because I liked Aarohi. I thought that I am not capable of love if I can't love sanyukta who had every quality which I wanted in my wife then I cant love anyone. But that's not the case Vardhan. For Aarohi i feel emotions which I never felt. And that is the reason why I married her. And No i didn't detroyed anyone's life. If i had accepted her proposal then i would have destroyed many lives. I hope you understood now.

Vardhan- stop freaking lying Veer, i have read you confession, which you had given to sanyukta, in that you have also mentioned about my feelings. I dont know why you are doing all this Veer, but I am happy for you if you are truly happy with Aarohi and don't worry I wont repeat my rude behavior with her,now she my bhabhi and I will respect her.

Veer- I dont know what confession you are talking about neither I am interested in proving myself. If you wanna trust on some piece of paper then go ahead and trust. But my truth will never change. I never loved her Vardhan never. And now there is only one girl in my life and she is Mrs. Aarohi Veer Randhawa. I hope I have made myself very clear.

Vardhan was shocked seeing such protectiveness and possessiveness in his brother 's eyes for Aarohi. He knew that Veer didnt came here to clarify anything , he came here to warn him to not cross his line with Aarohi.
Vardhan just nods his head. Veer left from there.

Veer knew what his brother is going through, he can't imagine Aarohi going away from him, this mere thought send a wave of restlessness and panic in him. He know how much vardhan loved sanyukta, he knew about his one sided love way before even Vardhan realised his love himself, but somewhere he also know that Sanyukta is not good for Vardhan, she had already destroyed him without being completely in his life. He remembered how Nandini had warned him to be careful of her but at that time he brushed her warning, but now he knew why she said what she said. If Sanyukta have the power to destroyed a man like Vardhan with just her words, she can destroy anyone who comes in her way. She is that shrewd and manipulative women , who had successfully manipulated him in her friendship for years, and now she had trapped his brother in self destruction and hatred. He knows that she'll come , come to claim him, he knows her obession about him. But this time he wont let her harm his family. No one messes with his family. After all he is the Protector.

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