chapter 27

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The rain was still pouring. There was sense of calmness everywhere. The night was quite. But unlike the surrounding, there was chaos within them. Pakhi and vardhan were  just sitting there, beside each other. Lost in their own thoughts. Finally Pakhi breaks the silence betweeen them.

Pakhi- Vardhan, whatever Veer jiju did was not right. But his intentions were good. He did everything for you, to bring you back from your past. He didn't betrayed you Vardhan, he saved you..

Vardhan laughed out loud. He looked at pakhi, his face clearly showing the disbelief.

Vardhan- you think that he saved me. Wow just wow... its so see to say that, pakhi you do realised its not one of your usual pranks that he put on me. No no no he bloody made my life a joke. He made me an idiot.

Pakhi- Why are you so upset Vardhan. I know that what Veer bhai did was not correct, but he just showed you a mirror. Yes he manipulated her in confessing the truth, but whatever she said was not a lie right. Yes he deliberately showed you the video, but after that moving on in your life was your decision. Marrying me was your own decision right than whay are you upset, why are you blaming him..

Vardhan- because he made me do all that.

Pakhi- he or she.. now it was Pakhi's turn to question him

Vardhan- Pakhi whatt

Pakhi- you decided to moved on in your life because Sanyunkta wanted right Vardhan. She looked at him. There was so much pain in her eyes, in her voice and this time she didnt try to hide it.  You agreed for marriage because sanyunkta wanted it right. All this time you were fulfilling her wish right.

Vardhan was shocked hearing her accusations,  he never thought that she would interpret the video in this way.

Vardhan- Pakhi I decide to moved on because i wanted to, yes in that message Sanyunkta asked me to do, but her words weren't the reason behind my decision. Her video was an eye opener for me. When she said that i didn't i didn't raped her, i was able to breath. That video made me hate her Pakhi. I married you because i wanted to. You was the only person who didn't judge me based on my past. Pakhi trust me i was not i am not fulfilling any of her wish.

Pakhi nodded her head, she felt relieved.

Pakhi- then why are you upset Vardhan.

Vardhan- Veer shouldn't have done that. He could have asked me...

Pakhi- and you would have agreed. Vardhan you and me both know that you were blinded, veer jiju just helped you to see clearly.

Vardhan- how by manipulating.

Pakhi- yes, vardhan suppose if the video was not send to you, you would have not watched it. Do you really thing we both will be able to sit here and chat .

Vardhan shook his head , he knew she was right.

Pakhi- I am not saying your anger is wrong, no you are right at your place you have every right to get upset. But you have no right to question his intention. You have no right to name it as a betrayal. She gently took his hand in hers. Vardhan your family loves you, and many a times we had to choose some wrong paths so that we can do right things for our loved ones. Thats what veer bhai did Vardhan.

Vardhan was looking at her, she made everything clear for him. His anger can only be controlled by her maturity.

Vardhan- Pakhi ,

He called her, who was busy admiring the view in front of her.

Pakhi-- hmmm

Vardhan- thank you for coming in my life.

Pakhi looked at him and smiled. Her smile can lift up  his mood. He put his hands on her waist and pulled her close to him. A shrieked escape from her lips. She looked at him wide eyed...

Vardhan- what are you doing to me Pakhi. He said this all the while nuzzling her face. Pakhi was lost , her senses were blocked , feeling him so close to her was making her dizzy.

Pakhi- I am doing what you did to me long back Vardhan.

Pakhi spoke without thinking, when she realised what she said she opened her eyes. Vardhan was looking at her confusion itched on his face. Before he could asked her what she wanted to say , pakhi stood and turned to move out from the situation. Just when she stepped away from vardhan, Vardhan hold her hand and again pulled her towards him. Pakhi landed on his chest, she was hyperventilating, her emotions were already all over the places and now this closeness. She was not able to think properly.

Vardhan- What did you just say Pakhi, what i did to you long back Pakhi..

Pakhi- Vardhan I... I... please leave me Vardhan, i need to go.

Vardhan- not before answering my question.

Pakhi- Vardhan I..I..I

Vardhan- You what..

Pakhi- I love you Vardhan. There she said it. She couldn't hide it any more, she tried,  she tried her best to hide her feelings for him but by each passing day it became difficult for her to hold her feelings.
Vardhan grip loosen on her,

Vardhan- what!.
Pakhi was unable to meet his eyes, she didn't have strength to watch rejection in his eyes.

Pakhi- I know Vardhan that for you I am just a friend, but I loved you, I loved from the time when i first saw you, and this was not time you came with veer bhai to meet Aaru di.. no.. i loved you since our childhood Vardhan... Pakhi let out a small laugh..  you were around 10 and i was 5. You used to come with Veer jiju and Vivan. You always had this angry look on your face. I loved that anger of yours, i loved how you beat a boy of my age because he was teasing me, i loved your care, i loved your smile and i loved your eyes. I was just 5 years old, but you became the centre of my world. Things got changed, Nandini Maa stopped coming to our house and you also forget me. But I , Vardhan for me you never left me. I dont how and when but reading your interviews, cutting out your pictures , looking for you in functions, watching you smiling and laughing with your  brothers in parties. I fell deeper for you. I never realised how far i came in this one sided love. That day when... when you told me how much you loved Sanyunkta, something within me just broke, i felt this terrible pain , terrible pain knowing you loved someone else. That's why today when i saw that video i thought that you.. you.. still lo...

Pakhi couldn't even complete her sentence and she break down completely. She sat there in front of him, she was crying, crying for her pain, crying for one sided love, crying for her heartache. She knows that today by confessing her feeling for him, she might have ruined the relation which they had build in past 3 months. She had ruined all of it. Now knowing her feeling Vardhan will distanced himself from her.

Still looking down, pakhi spoke in her broken voice. Voice which was hoarse from crying.

Pakhi- You... you.. vardhan you dont have to acknowledge my feelings, please just please dont break our friendship. I am so sorry Vardhan I am so...

Vardhan silenced her by putting his lips on her. The sudden action of his caused her to fall back on the floor. Her eyes shoot opened. Vardhan was kissing her furiously not even giving her a chance to think. He was on her, hiding her from outside world. Tears were flowing down from her eyes. Pakhi too responded the kiss and put her hands on his nape pulling him extremely close to her. So close that she was able to feel his chest's movement. So close that even air couldn't pass between them. Vardhan's eyes were closed ,, Pakhi too closes her eyes. The only thing alive was their senses.

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