chapter 34

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Prtihvi, nandini, Aarohi and Pakhi arrived at hospital. Veer and vardhan told them everything. But till now no one knows what actually happened to her.

Prithvi- where is Raghavan Chauhan.

Veer- we didn't receive any communication from his side, his secretary told that he is in some meeting. And Rannvijay's phone is unreachable.

Nandini- how can they be so insensitive.

Aarohi and pakhi were handling Nandini, she was crying bitterly. Siya was like a daughter to her. Not only to her but for Aarohi and Pakhi also. Today when she left Randhawa mansion she told them that she'll come soon. But they never thought that they'll see her in this condition.
Aarohi and Pakhi looked at Vivan, who hadn't moved from his previous position. He was still standing in front of the door.

No one knew what he was feeling, siya was his life, she was the reason to live, for him  love is siya and siya is love. He dont even remember when he hadn't love her. It was as if he loved her since forever. He was sure of one thing today if something happens to siya he'll die, he'll surely die. His heart, his body had already given up.

After an hour, the doctor came out from the OT.

Vivan- how is my siya... thats the first thing he spoke...

Doctor- dont worry she is out of danger.  But due to blood loss her body is still very weak and also her head injury was severe, she'll suffer headache and nausea for some days. I'll suggest you take proper care of her.

Just as doctore went ahead,  vivan fall on knees and cried.. Aarohi and pakhi hold him, aarohi kept his head on her chest and pakhi was caressing his head. He clutched aarohi and cried,

Vivan- she is fine bhabhi my siya,, she .. blood ..lot of blood....  she was ..not waking up bhabhi... she was not listening to me.

Vivan was crying and complaining like a child. Aarohi and Pakhi made him stand and sit on chair. Pakhi hurriedly bring water to him..

Aarohi- vivan vivan look at me..

Vivan looked at Aarohi, his eyes were bloodshot red. Today he faced his biggest nightmare. Today he felt what dying feels. Watching siya going in that theater, going away from him, was enough to stopped his heart from beating.

Aarohi- vivan siya is fine , she is a fighter vivan, she fighted for you. Now please dont cry bacha...she will not like if you cry like this..
Aarohi wiped his tears, he nodded his head. Veer caresses his brothers hair. Vivan hugged his brother. Prithvi was standing with Nandini.

Nandini- thank you mahadev,thank you for saving our siya.

Prithvi hugged his wife. He was also thanking god, to not only save siya but also vivan..

Raghavan chauhan arrived at hospital.

Raghavan - siya, siya where is my daughter

Hearing his voice, veer put his hand on vivian's shoulder. He don't want his brother to murder him. Veer looked at vardhan to handle this human.

Vardhan- Mr. Raghavan Chauhan, siya is fine now. He told him everything. We called you but as usual you were busy. Vardhan shrugged his shoulder.. frankly he dont want to deal with him. A father who is least concerned about his daughter, is currently here at hospital because of media. He knew that the news of siya being hospitalized is published and as a doting father Mr.Raghavan chauhan is needed. He is handling this because he dont want vivan to handle him rather tackle him.

Nurse- the patient had gain consciousness. And she is asking for Randhawa family.

Mr.chauhan was standing there, smiling at the awkward situation.

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