chapter 19

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Sanyukta was sitting in her room. She was staring at a wall, which was filled with Veer's picture. Photos of him smiling, laughing with his brothers, scolding Vivan, all these photos are candids. Sanyukta took all photos when he was not looking at her. There were around 1000 of photos.

Sanyukta- You know veer,  I loved you the moment when I first  saw you. You were dressed in formals, gosssshh Veer you were looking so handsome, i wanted to grab you kiss you senselessly. Every time when I was close to you, every time when you took my hand in yours to protect me from media, i felt butterflies Veer. But why you never confessed your love to me haan, i know you loved me ,i know all those touches, protectiveness was your love for me haina Veer.

You Know Veer, once there was girl in our office,  she was in sales department, her eyes were always fixed on you, one day to gain your attention she acted to fall, you saved her Veer, of course you did that after all you are a gentleman Veer,  my gentleman. You saved her, she was in your arms, you know what i felt at that time Veer. I felt anger, my whole body was trembling from anger. You know what i did to her Veer. I made her fall from 15 floor of our office building. She loved falling na so i fulfilled her dream .

Just imagine Veer , what will i do with your wife. What's her name yeah Aarohi. ... she touched whats mine, she is with someone who is mine, she took what is mine. I wont leave her Veer , she will beg for her dead, but no i will not kill her, i will scratch your touch from her body. I will tortured her to an extent that she will die 1000 deads in one single life.

Sanyukta starts playing a song, she starts dancing with a shirt. That shirt belonged to Veer. I love you Veer,,i love you so much. She hugged that shirt And smiles.

Prithviraj saw his wife sitting on a swing in their balcony.

Prithvi- whats bothering you Nandini, from the time Pakhi and Vardhan got married something is there which is making you restless.

Nandini- I am thinking about Sanyukta Prithvi.

Hearing her name, prithvi looked at his wife, his eyes warning her.

Prithvi-i told you Nandini, i dont want to hear her name in my house.

Nandini too stood in front of him, her eyes worried with unknown fear.

Nandini- not taking her name or ignoring her existence will not make her vanish for our lives Prithvi. You know from the time Aaru and Veer got married, I am scared for Aaru, for her safety.  Every single day I asked Mahadev to protect my Aaru from her. You dont know Prithvi you don't know the extent she can go for Veer. Destroying Vardhan's life was a just trailer Prithvi.

Prithvi - Nandini I can understand your fears but ...

Pakhi- But i can't Maa.

Pakhi was standing there at their door. She came to ask Nandini about dinner but what she heard about sanyukta, about Nandini's fear, she wanted to know the reason behind it.

Nandini- pakhi bache, what are you..

Pakhi- you didn't answer my question Maa, why you are so scared of her. As far as I know the name Randhawa is enough to fear their enemy than why are you worried about her Maa.

Prithvi- see Nandini thats what I am trying to say, we won't let anyone harm our family, she is just a girl, a Rathore whom we had already defeated so many times.

Hearing this Nandini shouted, no one is understanding her, her fears. What she saw that day was something she couldn't forget.

Nandini- She is just not any Girl Prithvi she is Sanyukta Rathore. She is that girl who can do anything to claim whats her. You had not seen the madness which me and Siya saw that day. No no Veer is not her obession Prithvi he is her madness.

Pakhi-What did you saw Maa.

Yes Maa, tell them everything,  what we saw that day. Siya asked her mother to reveal the truth which they had hidden for so many years.
Vivan and Siya were standing at their door. They soon entered the room and Siya immediately went to Nandini to give her support.

Nandini- You want to know why I am scared of her, the reason is that I had watched her harming people who dared to take Veer Away from her.

Pakhi and prithvi were not able to understand what Nandini was saying but Vivan and Siya knew about her fear, they also knew that she is absolutely correct, Sanyukta is not a person to be taken lightly.

Nandini- Veer and Sanyukta knew each other when their were 16 years old. And from than Sanyukta, Veer and Vardhan become the inseparable trio. Later  things started changing, or rather she started showing her true colours. One day I found Santukta punishing a worker, and you know in the name of punishment, she was burning his hand on a stove. Somehow i was able to stop her from doing that, when I asked her she told me that today the worker accidentally slipped hot tea on Veer's hand, you remembered that incident Prithvi right.

Prithvi nodded his head...

For me it was blow, to see her like that she always acted sweet little girl in front of us. But I burshed it off, i thought that may be Veer is her friend that's why she did what she did. But her possessiveness for Veer started to get increased. Whenever I talked about a girl in front of her she would just cut me off and many a times glared me. Her behavior started bugging me. I tried to talk with everyone with Veer,  with you Prithvi and With Vardhan. Of course none of you listened to me afterall for Veer she was his bestie, for Vardhan well he was blind in her love and for you Prithvi she was your one of biggest deal right.

Nandini looked at him accusingly. If you would have listened to me, we would be able to avoid the damaged which she caused in our lives. Prithvi knew that this time Nandini is not wrong. He could have stopped the storm that took place 4 years ago. Whose ruins they are still trying to collect.

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