chapter 17

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Aarohi was getting ready for the big day of her sister. Today was Vardhan and Pakhi's wedding. All arrangements are done, they'll leave for Shiv temple in an hour. She wanted to go at her Dadi Maa's house but Siya told her that she'll take care about Pakhi, as a new daughter in law her presence is needed here more. Vardhan had asked to keep the wedding simple and by simple he meant that wedding will  happen at shiv temple in presence of His and Pakhi's family. Later he'll make the announcement of his marriage in the Media. Aarohi was still not able to recover from the shocked that Pakhi loves Vardhan and that too from her childhood. She thought she had known her sister, but no she couldn't understand her unsaid words, she couldn't look pass her facade. She was dissapointed in herself. But there was other thing which was constantly bugging her mind. If she was not able to understand Pakhi's emotions, if she was unable to see Pakhi's love how will she understand Veer. Pakhi was and is always vocal about everything but Veer loves his silence. Will she ever be able to understand his unsaid words. Because she knows Veer will never tell her about his pain, and worries. She is an open book for him, from her one look he can tell what she is thinking,  but its not the case with her. She is unable to understand him. This mere thought of not  knowing and understanding Veer's  emotions was troubling her. In dazed of her thoughts she didnt paid attention on wearing bangles, suddenly one bangle broke, causing its glass to pierced her skin. Blood was flowing from her wrist.

Aarohi- aahhh, hey krishna, chudi tootna is bad luck. Today is Pakhi's wedding, i dont want anything bad to happen. Aahhh.

She applied pressure on her wound to stop bleeding but to her bad luck the glass got deeper in her skin causing to bleed more.

Veer- Aarohiiii.

Veer shouted her name making her  jerk on her seat. Veer rushed to her. He looked at Aarohi then at her wrist.

Veer- shit, Aarohi, your hand is bleeding, HOW THE HELL THIS HAPPENED.


Aarohi- Veer calm down, its a small cut it'll heal.

Veer- Small cut Aarohi, look at your wrist its bloody bleeding.


Aarohi was trying to calm him.

Veer please relax , they all are busy , please first calm down. Nandini rushed hearing Veer's voice.

Nandini- what happened why are you shouting, oh my god Aarohi what happened to you..

Veer- Maa stay with Aarohi I'll be right back, just don't leave her alone. Saying this Veer hurriedly left the room.

Aarohi-Maa there is nothing to worry its a small cut , i dont know why veer is panicking. Please asked him to calm down, i dont want him to scold anyone because of me.
Although, it wasn't a small cut, the glass went a little deeper in her skin, it was painful for her, but she didn't want to create fuss about it but seeing Veer reaction, she is scared he might create a scene and that will affect everyone's happy mood.

Hey krishna..

Nandini- Aaru bacha , ssshhh nothing will happened okay dont worry I'll handle everything you just take care of yourself. Sit here dont move I'll go and send Veer before he pull out any stunt okay.

Aarohi nodded her head. Nandini left the room looking for Veer. Whereas Veer was shouting in the whole Mansion asking for first aid. A staff came and gave him the first aid box.

Veer-why the hell was this not present in my room Madhav. And where were you when i was calling you haan. Do i give you all salary to lay your ass and do nothing.

Prithvi,  vivan and vardhan came out hearing Veer loud voice but before any of them could asked , Nandini arrive there to handle the situation.

Nandini-Veer stop creating a scene go and  tend Aarohi. They might have not hear your voice because of loud music. Just go, she is waiting for you and stop scaring her for god sake. Nandini whispered yelled at veer. Soon Veer left from there. Later Nandini explain to everyone why Veer was shouting.

Vivan-So because Aaru bhabhi got hurt, Veer bhai become berserk and launched himself on these poor workers.
Nandini smiled and nodded her head. Well its not everyday that her Veer shows his anger openly, usually he just vent out his anger in boxing ring.

Veer entered his room, he saw Aarohi sitting on a chair, pressing her wound to stop bleeding, she was  trying hard to control her pain by biting her lips.

Veer- stop doing that Aarohi you will hurt yourself. Here give me your hand. Veer very carefully and gently took her hand and first cleaned the blood and slowly very slowly took the glass piece out of her skin.
Aaaahhhh ...

Ssshhh aarohi, its done baby its done sshhhh. He bandaged her wound and gently pressed a small kiss on her hand. Suddenly he heard a commotion outside.

Vivan, Nandini and prithivi were peaking in their room, they wanted to watch this caring side of Veer. When veer kissed Aarohi, Nandini and Vivan cooed looking them. Whereas Prithvi tried to silence them but to their horror veer stood infront of them folding his hands in front of him.

Nandini just smiled looking at veer, vivan started humming an unknown tune , and prithvi strated calculating something on his fingers.

Seeing their antics Veer just closed the door on their faces.

Nandini and Vivan both shouted What the!!!!. But later all three gave the couple they much needed space.

Aarohi was blushing , she tried to stand but veer put his hand on her shoulder asking her to sit.

Veer- I will ask you only one time Aarohi, how does it happen.

Aarohi-Veer it was just i was wearing bangles , may be they are not of my size.

Aarohi if you knew that these bangles are not of your size ,than why did you wear them.

Aarohi cupped Veer face and gently kissed his forehead.

I am fine veer, please don't worry  its a small cut nothing much.

I dont care if it is a small cut or not Aarohi, I dont want to see you in pain that's it. What were you thinking Arohi.

How did you, how did you know that i was thinking something..

Believe me Aarohi, i know about you more,  than you yourself. Now tell me whats bothering you.

Aarohi - you...

Veer- haan what...

Aarohi hugged veer and speak, veer it is so easy for you to know what i am thinking , what i am feeling.... she looked at his face and traces his jawline.
But you are still a mystery for me Veer. You are so good at hiding your emotions veer, i am not able to read you. Your eyes they are blank, they show emotions only when you want them to. This is not fair Veer, absolutely not fair.
Veer tightened his arms around her. You dont know Aarohi but what i did today is something that i haven't done in my entire life.

Aarohi- huh!!

He kissed her forehead,  you forced out my emotions Aarohi, because of you first time in my life i showed my emotions to other. Never i had showed my anger to others. But today i basically lashed out at poor worker. What are you doing to me Aaru.... what are you doing to me.
Veer whispered last part. He wasn't sure why he reacted that way but seeing her pain, her blood he lost it. Today one thing is very clear to him, only one person can break him apart and that person is none other than Aarohi Veer Randhawa. This girl have power to made him do anything she want.

Still Veer is unknown to this strong emotion which he felt for Aarohi. He is not ready to acknowledge that this emotion is love. He love her. VEEE RANDHAWA IS IN LOVE WITH AAROHI VEER RANDHAWA.

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