chapter 31

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Vivan-Aaru Bhabhi, how are you now..

Aarohi nodded her head. Her voice was still hoarse from all the crying. Vardhan signalled Vivan to take pakhi and siya. Its time to leave Aarohi with Veer.
Soon all 4 left the room. Pakhi knew that Aarohi will get better only when her Veer is with her...

Aarohi looked at veer who was busy in studying her medicines, he took out a tablet and gave her, he made her take her medicines.

Veer- Aarohi you need to rest now. Aarohi holds his hand.

Aarohi- Veer.

Veer shook his head signalling her to stop talking.

Veer- we'll talk about it later Aarohi, for now please rest...

Seeing his care towards her Aarohi hugged him..

Aarohi- veer i was waiting for you... i i wanted to ask so many things but..

Veer also hugged her, he was dying to do so but seeing her health he refrained himself. He caresses her cheeks...

Veer- you scared the shit out of me Aarohi...

Aarohi- veer ..

Veer shook his head asking her to be silent.

Veer- I am so sorry , i should have told you the truth. Its just that seeing you happy, i didn't want to take away that smile. Trust me Aarohi, those photos, all those were bullshit i knew Pakhi already told you everything , Aarohi its all my fault i should have told you everything. Nothing would have happened..

Aarohi-you are right Veer. You should have told me everything. Veer you just have to say, i will trust on anything you tell me. If you would have told me, i would have burned them all, those photos everything. Veer i was hurt, i was so  hurt no one bother to tell me anything .you all think that I am weak right.

Veer-No no no Aarohi.. godd. He pulled her to his chest. Dont ever think that again. No one ever told you because it was not their place to tell you everything. Pakhi knew because Vardhan told him. It was my responsibility to tell you the truth and it was me who failed in doing so.

Aarohi cupped his face just like she always do.. she made him looked at her.

Aarohi - promise me veer,promise me you wont hide anything from me please. I dont want to go through that darkness again, where i have been manipulated because i was unknown to truth. It was so painful veer knowing that you love someone else. I was dying every minute every second..

Veer tightened his hold on her. He knew he was the one who hurt her most and he is unable to forgive himself because of him Aarohi had to suffer.

Veer - I promise you Aarohi, I promise you that i wont hide anything from you..

Soon the medicines showed it effects and Aarohi went into slumber. Veer gently tucked in his bed and lay down beside her carefully he pulled her close to him. His one mistake had given Sanyunkta a opportunity to hurt her. From now on they have to be very careful, one mistake is all she need one mistake.

Vivan was consoling siya, she was frightened on seeing Aarohi's condition. She remembered her mother, how she never opened her eyes, siya begged her , pleaded her , but her mother was gone. Flashes of her dead was still very much alive in her memories.

Vivan- siya Aarohi bhabhi is fine baby. She is fine..

Siya just hummed. It was difficult for her to come out from that shock.

Siya-Vivan, again Sanyunkta was able to reach Aaru di.

Vivan- I know jaan i know, thats what i am worried about. After such a tight security, how the hell she was able to send that parcel. I know everyone who were present in the party. Only few of know Rathores, but all those are our loyal people siya. They have shown their loyalty since years. But i will find out i will find out that betrayer no matter what.

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