chapter 12

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It was a new day at Randhawa Mansion. Nandini , Aarohi and Siya was preparing breakfast. Veer, vivan and prithvi was waiting for vardhan. They knew that the next part of their plan depends on Vardhan's decision.

Nandini- where is Vardhan,Vivan go and call him for breakfast. This boy i tell you , dont know what he do in his room.

Aarohi- No need Maa, vardhan bhai is here.

All  3 turns their head , Vardhan was standing there with his signature stoic face. He seated beside Vivan. Vivan signalled Prithvi to start the conversation.

Prithvi- Aarohi beta,

Aarohi- ji dad,

Prithvi- woh i wanted to ask, what you and your Dadi are thinking about Pakhi.

Aarohi tilt her face in confusion, Vivan mentally cringe at his dad, Siya was pretending to be not there at the dining table by being mute, Nandini too raised her eyebrows asking prithvi what he actually wanted to know, Veer was looking at his cute little wife making faces in confusion. She is so adorable he thought.

Aarohi- Hmmm Papa i didnt understand what you wanted to ask...

Prithvi- I mean you know you are married now, did you and Maa thought about Pakhi's marriage. There he said it he releases a breath he was holding.

Siya drops her fork , Aarohi was speechless as for her Pakhi is still small although both sisters are of same age aarohi is elder just by few months. Nandini was scrutinizing her eyes, she wanted to know whats going on in his husband's head. Vivan looked at Vardhan to see his reaction but to his utter disappointment, vardhan didn't react at all. Veer was just enjoying the show that his wife was showing. Her expressions were cute.

Aarohi- umm NO dad , actually Pakhu is currently completing her internship so me and dadi maa thought that she should focused more on her career.

Prithvi- I understand Aarohi, but dont you think now its time for her to get married , actually Maa called me yesterday she asked me to find some good proposals for Pakhi. She just want to see you both settle before she dies. He whispers the last word. He know that he had lied about the call but to keep the conversation, he had to say something. He also knows once Maa get to know about it she will surely beat him talking about her dead.

Aarohi gasps hearing her dadi maa's words. Whereas Nandini knows that her husband lied in front of all , she regularly call Maa and never in any conversation she brought this topic.

Aarohi- Papa, i dont know if Pakhi wants to get Married, i mean for your sake I'll talk to her.

Prithvi just nods his head. He knew he made a blunder, nandini was suspicious, Aarohi was too innocent to suspect him, vivan was shaking his head in disappointment, he stabbed his food , Veer was just looking at his wife, she was in deep thought.

Maa i want to get married to Pakhi.

Hearing this Vivan choked in his food, siya coughs the water she was drinking,  Nandini blinked her eyes to make sure she is not dreaming, prithvi was well just shocked, Aarohi jerk her head up so fast that for a sec Veer thought she might have hurt her neck.

Everyone looks towards Vardhan who just speak out loud those words. He expected everyone to react in the same way.
It was an instant decision from his side. Yesterday after listening to her message , vardhan was shattered he didnt knew that the girl whom he had loved was such a monster. He remembered her each and every allegation. He was fed up , fed up of this guilt, fed up of this pain. He just wanted to run away where all these things will not follow him. He was broken, he was tired. Tired of all pain, tired of self hatred. That's why he thought to start a fresh. He wanted to move on with his life. Yes he wanted to break the wall which he had created to let other people in. He wanted to feel loved. He was thinking about all this when Prithvi talked about Pakhi's marriage. Pakhi her name brings a smile on his face, which no one in these 4 years was able to do that. He remembered her antics with Vivan, he remembers how she use to annoyed the hell out of him during marriage rituals,  he also remembered that all this time whenever he was with her, she unknowingly distracted him from his pain, which is what he wanted. He knows that Pakhi is the one who can help him come out of his past , sure he does not love her, but he knows that they can build a healthy relationship on friendship. He was desperate,  desperate to move on, desperate to distract himself, desperate to forget. That's why he took this decision of marriage.

Nandini- Vardhan i guess we need to talk about it. Veer , Arohi , Prithviji come to my room right now. Vivan go and drop Siya, Mr.chauhan called me he was asking for Siya, today she needs to be there at her home for a family function. Also Make sure to bring her back before 10 PM.

Vivan nodded his head, he also signalled Veer to handle Nandini. Siya took Nandini and Prithvi' blessing and hugged Aarohi before leaving with Vivan.

Nandini- Vardhan,  you do realise what you just said at table.

Vardhan- yes Maa.

Nandini- and may i knw the reason behind your this sudden life changing decision.

Nandini was furious, seeing his son talking about marrying a girl so casually , not only some other girl but about Pakhi. Her Aarohi's sister Pakhi. Aarohi was standing clutching Veer 's arm , this was all very shocking for her, she was still trying to process what is happening around her. How can Vardhan ji ask to marry Pakhi. Did something happen between them, did she missed something, her mind was full of questions, and the answers of those can be given by one person, who currently was being interrogated by her mother in law. Veer and Prithvi were silent spectators of the situation. Prithvi was trying to control Nandini whereas Veer was supporting Aarohi.

Vardhan- Maa i know that you and Papa want me to settle down just like how bhai did. I had already met Pakhi during Marriage rituals,  and from our interactions,  i concluded that she perfectly fit to be my wife.

Nandini- Vardhan you do realize that we are not talking about any business deal but a marriage and the girl you are talking about is your bhabhi's sister.

Vardhan- I dont understand what's the problem maa, i want to Marry her , she is a good girl from a good family. Isn't it enough for you to agree for this marriage.

Nandini- You very well know what my problem is Vardhan. I know about the girl, I know that she will be a perfect wife, a perfect daughter in law. But can you become the perfect husband for her. Pakhi is not my reason to oppose this marriage proposal,  you are Vardhan. You, as far as i know you still love her don't you.

Hearing this Aarohi gasps, all her thoughts flew out of the window the only think running in her mind is that she won't let this marriage happen, knowing that Vardhan loves someone else. She won't let Pakhi tie in a loveless marriage. No she won't let this happen. Her pakhi deserves all the love in the world.

Aarohi- Vardhan ji, agar aap kisi aur se pyar krte hain toh phir Pakhi kyun.

Vardhan looked at Aarohi and replied looking at her eyes.

Vardhan- I don't love her anymore bhabhi. She was and will always be my past. Pakhi will be my present and future.

Nandini- no will not. I dont trust you Vardhan. I dont trust you with Pakhi, i just cant.

Vardhan was hurt when her mother showed  her lack of trust in him. But she was not wrong,  these 4 years he acted like a devdas, so many times his parents tried to warned him about her, but he was blinded so blinded . He understands her concern for Pakhi. He understands everything.

Veer- Maa, i know what you are thinking but Maa i guess we should let Pakhi decide what she wants.

Nandini and arohi both looked at Veer.

Veer- Maa please lets just not take any rash decision. Let Vardhan and Pakhi meet and discuss what they want. They both are adults and sensible, they can decide for themselves. We shouldn't take or imposed our decisions on them

Prithvi-Veer is right Nandini. Please let's give him a chance.

Nandini sighs and nodded her head. Veer and prithvi knew now its all upto Pakhi, they only hope to bring back Vardhan from his past and dark world.

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