chapter 40

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Veer was staring at a blank space in the room. Vivan and Prithvi entered his room.

Vivan- Bhai..

Veer moved his eyes towards him, seeing him Vivan closes his eyes.
He knew that the moment Aarohi fell in the river, his brother also died with her.

Veer- tell our teams to get ready, we are going to attack Rathores...

Prithvi looked at Veer in pure horror..

Veer- I will finished their whole fucking bloodline.

Prithvi- Veer, what...

Go veer, today do what you needed to do..

Vivan and Prithvi looked towards the door and saw Nandini standing there, she was not their sweet, funny and loving Nandini anymore, her eyes held rage ..

Nandini- I want the same blood bath which those Rathore did to us..  dont spare anyone. It was them who helped her , it was them who protected her. They all knew what she was going to do, still they let her do it.. now its our time to take revenge. Then she looked straight toward Prithvi..


Saying this she left from there. Veer stood and left the room..

Prithvi - Vivan go with Veer,dont leave his side..

Vivan- dad..

Prithvi- just go Vivan, now no one can stop him....

Vivan hurriedly went after Veer.. siya listened what Nandini said, she wanted her to stop doing anymore madness but she couldn't. How could she, when she know that this was coming.. veer will not spare a single soul, who was involved in that attack.... till now he refrained himself from going aganist his father, but after that destruction,, even prithvi had no control over him...

Prithvi entered Nandini's room , she was standing near window..

Prithvi- Nandini, how are you feeling...

Nandini- Dead.. anything else you want to ask..

Prithvi snapped his head towards her, he was looking helplessly, Nandini face was stoic and so was her heart.. gone was his nandini who held a ocean of love within herself..  this Nandini held hatred only hatred...

Prithvi- Nandini.. listen to me..

Nandini- I dont want to see your Face Prithvi just go from here, before i say something that will hurt you more..

Prithvi- Nandini i know..

Nandini- you know.. You know Nothing Mr. Prithvi Randhawa... you know nothing. You wasn't there when she took everything from me in front of my eyes..  i begged her, i cried but she didn't showed any mercy... i heard My Pakhi's scream, I saw My Maa got shot,  I saw my Aaru falling.. i saw it with my own god damn eyes.. you made us helpless in front of her Prithvi.. Vivan was right Someone inside us helped her and you know who that person is , it was you Prithvi Randhawa. You helped her in destroying our family.. i told you This stupid Agreement of yours will do no good to any of us.. you followed that agreement like a fool and what they did, they breached it at every fucking time. They helped her, they bloody provide her everything which she needed to destroy us...and what you did you tied our hands down.. now go suck that agreement of yours.... you might be a great King Prithvi but you are a worst father.. you left your children to die in her hands.. remember Prithvi I WONT FORGIVE YOU... I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS....

Saying this Nandini turned her back on him.. Prithvi knew that her each and every word was true... he indeed failed in protecting his family... all he cared was to protect his people.. this was all his fault, Vardhan told him that he'll regret his decision and he indeed was regretting that..

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