chapter 11

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Siya and vivan were laying in his room. Siya was playing with his shirt's button, whereas Vivan was playing with her hair locks.

Siya- Vivan, do you think Vardhan bhai will ever love Pakhi, and how did you know that Pakhi love him.

Vivan looked at her, her eyebrows were frowned, he knows that she was stressing herself on this matter. Pakhi is like a sister to her and she don't want her to get hurt.
How can someone be so pure Siya.

Siya- hmm you said something

Vivan nods his head in a no, he hugged her close to him. Vivan always feared loosing Siya. This constant fear of him had made him way to over protective for her. Well siya doesn't mind his over protectiveness  because she too feared of loosing him and his love. For her his love is the only reason why she is breathing. She'll die the moment he leave her or something happens to their beautiful relation.

Vivan- Siya, i dont have any answer to your first question baby. I dont know will Vardhan bhai be able to love Pakhi because he is too damaged to love someone else. It will take time and patience. That patience i saw in Pakhi. Its just i saw in her eyes how much she loves him. Through out the marriage preparations her eyes were always fixed on him. She deliberately teamed up with me to annoyed him, to make him react. Also I had seen vardhan bhai's photo in her diary. I didn't mean to pry i sure it was just an accident. I guess god wanted me know about her love.

Siya- Vivan, I am scared , i dont want any of them to get hurt. I dont know but  i am not having a good vibe about this decision. You know about Bhai's anger right, if he will know about this plan he will go berserk. No one will be able to control him.

Vivan knew what she is saying is correct, Veer bhai also said the same thing when he told him about his plan, he know that sanyukta is Vardhan's weakness.

Siya- I so wished that Vardhan bhai had loved someone else. Not that bitch.

Vivan hummed , he too had always wished the same thing. Among the three brothers vardhan is the most passionate lover. The intensity and depth of his love is very deep. Not even Veer and Vivan can love with that passion. Yes Vivan love Siya, but his love for her will never cloud his sanity, but with Vardhan, his love can make him insane , and that is something which he is most afraid of. The insanity will make him loose himself completely. If it happens no one can stop him from doing what he want. In his insanity he can cause a destruction which will tear down everything. He is hoping for Pakhi to become his sanity. To become the control which is necessary in his life. Currently sanyukta is that control, but she is killing him silently.

Vivan- To save my brother,  we have to do this siya there is no other option left.
I know the consequences of it can be worse but we have to take a chance. We will handle it right.
He looked at her,  who nodded her head giving him the assurance he needs.

I am always with you Vivan, in your every decision , in your every step. Dont worry we will handle everything. We wont let sanyukta take away our Vardhan bhai from us.
Siya kissed Vivan on his lips. Vivan kissed her back smiling.

Vivan- So someone is in mood today haan.

Siya- stop talking Vivan and start acting.

This was all vivan needed to hear. He laid down her on her back, and kissed her passionately. Soon the couple got indulged in their favourite activity of love making.

Vardhan received a parcel in his room. The envelope was unnamed. There was a pen drive with a note, with love S. His heart start beating loudly. He knew who send this parcel. With shivering hands he connect the pen drive with his laptop. It was a video message. His eyes were tearing. He press on the play button, and soon he heard the most beautiful voice of her. She was there in message, looking beautiful as always. Although her eyes were dull, full of pain but she was smiling.

Sanyukta message: Hi Vardhan, honestly I dont know what to say, these four years , I think about that night almost everyday, every moment. I am sorry Vardhan, I am so sorry for what i did with you. I know you will never forgave me. How could you when I am not able to forgave myself.

Vardhan shakes his head, no sanyu i already did, i forgave you please come back.  Please

Vardhan what I did i wont justify myself as i was being selfish. In my obession i didnt saw that i was hurting you the most. That day when ummm when you dropped me at my house you were drunk but i was not. I planned it all Vardhan, you never raped me.

Hearing this Vardhan sucks his breath. His mind was completely blank. Her words you didnt raped me echoed in his mind.

I ... I used you Vardhan , I used you to get Veer. I thought that may be seeing what his brother did he will , he will accept me but things turned out differently. Vivan and Siya collected the evidences aganist me. They proved infront of him that you were innocent, which you was. I confessed my love to him, but he didnt accepted. Vardhan I never loved you and will never be able to. I know about your love for me, your guilt. But vardhan its true, it was me who betrayed you not your Brother. I am so sorry Vardhan I am so sorry.

Vardhan was sitting there numb. From past 4 years he blamed Veer for everything he did to protect him, he thought that his brother manipulated the evidences. The marks on her body, the blurred images of him kissing her, her screams,  all this made him believe that indeed he was the culprit. And last sanyu's love confession for his brother was enought to hate himself more. He hated himself in these 4 years. Always asking how can he do this to the girl whom he had loved with all his being. But now hearing her confession he didn't knew how to react.

Vardhan just please please forgave me. You always told me that you will do what i would asked you to right, Vardhan i asked you to move on in your life. Please forget me , i was and will never be worth your love. Find someone who is worthy of your love. I am sorry Vardhan...
The video message ended there. Vardhan was sitting like a statue.

Veer,  Vivan and Prithvi were sitting in office. They knew that the message is being delivered to Vardhan and he must have seen it. They knew what they did was wrong , they drugged and manipulated sanyukta to confess and record that message but they also knew that each and every word of the message is true. Vardhan was innocent. Now its time for the next part of their plan.

A girl was standing on a terrace , her hair were flowing so was her stole. She was looking ahead , her eyes were dead, her face held no emotions.

I want each and every detail of her balraj. And yes remember no one should find out that you are searching about her. And if you get caught by them you very well know what you need to do. Your family will be taken care of.

Balraj- jii hukum.

I am coming veer, coming for you. This time i wont spare anyone.
Sanyukta Rathore naam hain hamara, tumahre har riste ko barbaad kar dungi main.

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