chapter 32

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Sanyunkta - you know what you need to do Mahesh. And dont worry about your family they have been taken care of. Just make sure you dont get into their hands and if by any means you get caught, you know what you have to do.

Mahesh- ji hukum.

Sanyukta was thinking about her next move. Yes this time her plan didnt worked well.

Sanyukta- don't worry Aarohi, this time I'll make sure to give you pain which nobody  will be able to heal. This time you will be on your knees, begging me to kill you. Just wait and watch, each and everyone will pay for their deeds. I wont spare anyone..

Nandini - Aarohi beta, how you are you feeling now.

Aarohi- I am feeling much better maa.

Nandini- your dadi is coming next month Aaru, to meet you and Pakhi.

Aarohi-what dadi maa is coming, aarohi was happy hearing this news. After so many days her mind and heart was at peace. She knows that her dadi is going to scold her for her over thinking. But Aarohi is missing her dadi alot, after everything that happened she wanted to talk to her.

Nandini- okay now come on eat your medicines and please take rest otherwise your Veer will scold all of us for not taking your proper care.

Aarohi blushed and smiled. Veer had taken full responsibility of embarrassing her. He had instructed everyone to not let Aarohi do any of house work, and also had asked Nandini to take care of her medicines when he is not at home. So far she was feeling much better, when pakhu told her what doctor said about her health, she understood why everyone is so concerned for her. Everything was going well. But whenever she thinks about sanyukta, an unknown fear crawls in her heart. Whatever she heard, she knows that Sanyunkta's love for Veer is something which is dangerous for her and for whole  family. She trusts her family knowing very well that they can handle her, but there was an unknown feeling  which warns her that something is going to happen, something related to Sanyunkta. She just prayed to god to keep her family safe.

Vardhan , vivan , veer and prithvi were in their office.

Vardhan- his name is Mahesh, he joined as a servant 4 years back.

Veer- where is he now vardhan

Vardhan- before we could get him,  he ran away ,currently he is underground and about his family,  they just vanished. No one knew where they gone. a month ago they suddenly disappeared from their village.

Veer- Sanyunkta,  why are you playing these games, why don't you come and face us..

Vivan- she wont bhai, she wont. That's what she always did. I am also trying to find that man bhai but so far i got no clue.

Prithvi- so much incompetence from our people. How  three of you could take this matter so lightly. Vivan the party security was your responsibility, what blunder did you make haan...
We dont know anything, who are her allies , where is she right now and most importantly what will be her next move. This time she targeted Vardhan and Aarohi. Who will be her next target.

Vardhan- Aarohi bhabhi. She only wants her dad, this time she used her weakness to break her, next time also she'll pull such stunt.

Veer- there wont be any next time vardhan..

Everyone looked at veer.

Veer- vardhan, dad and vivan asked your teams to find her. Why to waste time in finding her pawns. Its better to find her.

Prithvi- its not that easy veer, dont forget who she is, she is not any random girl. She is a Rathore. Just like us Rathore is a big name in business and also they rule our neighbouring towns and villages. We can't let our personal problem effect our people.

Veer- personal problem dad, seriously.

Prithvi- yes veer, i wont let you take any rash decision on this matter. Remember Veer I am the king of Madhavgarh and for me my people comes before my family. I wont let you destroyed thier life in your anger. If you want to protect Aarohi do it, take her away from here. Seeing the incompetency of you and your brother i think it will be best if you go away from here.

Vardhan- Dad, what are you...

Prithvi- I am saying what's truth Vardhan. You 3 failed in protecting your loved ones. But i wont fail in protecting my people. Killing sanyukta or harming her is not the solution, i dont want Vijendra Rathore to make the life of my people a living hell. It took my father 20 years to bring peace between the families. I won't let his Hardwork to go in vain by your brother's anger. Remember my Words Veer for me my people are my priority I'll do anything to protect them anything. The Peace settlement should not be broken at any cost.

Veer- what about them dad, is this peace settlement only for us to follow haan, what about them, are they not aware of their daughter's deeds. What she is doing to us. For god sake dad she first  blamed Vardhan and ruined his life and now she targeting my wife.

Prithvi- veer you very well know 4 years back, we had proofs aganist her that's why the rathore exiled her from their territory. But now we dont have a single proof that this is all done by Sanyukta. In their eyes, Sanyunkta is still serving her punishment.

Veer- well dad clearly they are hiding her in the name of punishment.

Prithvi- yes they are doing that i know but do you have any proof my son aganist her. Just bring me one proof I'll promise you that this time i will bring her death warrant. But till then calm the fuck down and think.

Prithvi left the office.

Vardhan- I cant believe this. Fuck that peace agreement.

Vivan - dad is right Vardhan bhai, we dont have a single proof. This time she had made sure to clear her traces of evidence.

Vardhan- now what, what we gonna do what are you thinking Sanyunkta.

Veer for the very first time was loosing a battle. In his life he had always won whether it was a business deal or any life decision. He had won but this time he was loosing , he was loosing the most precious thing aganist his most hated enemy.

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