chapter 18

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Vardhan and Pakhi were sitting in front of the holy fire. The priest was enchanting Mantras, the priest asked Vardhan and Pakhi to stand for Pheras. Vardhan took Pakhi's hand and start walking around the holy fire. The priest explained the meaning of each promise that a husband and wife takes in their wedding. All the while Pakhi was giving her own promises to Vardhan.

Pakhi- My first promise to you vardhan- that i will be there for you in every step of your life. Through thicks and thins I'll always hold your hand.

My second promise- from today and till the day I'll die ,i will be your shield Vardhan, i will protect you from anything that want to harm you.

My third promise- I'll bring you back from your past Vardhan, i will make sure that you'll forget that dreadful past of yours.

My fouth promise- I will never stop loving you. My love is only for you Vardhan. Whether you love me or not but i wont stop loving you. You will see my love in my care, in my concern, and in my friendship. I will always remain loyal to you.

My fifth promise- I will try my best to make this marriage works. I will never disrespect our marriage.

My sixth promise - I will bring happiness in your life Vardhan , I'll give you all happiness of this world so that you'll forger all your pain.

My seventh and last promise- I'll always hold the thread of our relationship, I'll never let it get break.

The priest asksed Vardhan to tie the nuptial chain in Pakhi's neck. And after that Vardhan applied a pinch of sindoor on her hair partition. Some drop of it also fell on her nose. When vardhan looked at Pakhi, her eyes were full of tears , tears of happiness, tears of determination. Vardhan asked her through his eyes that why she is crying, she just shook her head.
Soon the couple took blessing from all the elders. Pakhi knew that today she had completely given herself to Vardhan. She don't know what future held for her but today she experienced how it fell to get tied with your love forever. It was a surreal pure feeling, for her this was the best day of her life.

Unknown to Pakhi, today Vardhan also took some promises,  promised to respect this marriage, try to make this marriage work, to remain loyal to Pakhi no matter what happens in his life and most importantly try to move on from his past and try to love Pakhi with all his being. He know the promises he took are difficult to fulfill, he dont know whether he will be able to or not but today one thing is clear for him that there is no place for any other women in his life than Pakhi.
Yes he still love sanyukta, but now from this day, he will not think about her, from this day sanyukta is not his lover, she is just some other girl.
He may not love Pakhi but he definently respects this marriage and the commitment which he had given to her.

Soon the Randhawa's along with Pakhi reached Randhawa Mansion. Indrani devi took her leave, she was now going to live in mathura for some time. All the arrangements were made for her and she left as soon as marriage got over.

Nandini and Aarohi welcomed Pakhi, again whole Randhawa mansion was decorated with flowers and ornaments. The post wedding rituals were completed and now everyone retired to their room.

Vardhan was waiting outside his room,  he was expecting Pakhi sitting like a new bride in long veil , waiting for him her husband. He had already prepared a speech of what he will say to her. He will ask her to take things slowly as they are just friends. He dont want to rush anything, they will live like friends yes that's what he is going to say to her.

But as soon as he entered his room,  he heard snoring sounds coming from bed, to his surprise Pakhi was already passout like a drunk women, she was fast asleep, her snoring were the only sound coming in room. Vardhan shakes his head gone was his speech and lecture. He also went to bathroom to change and freshen up.

When he entered in his bedroom. He saw Pakhi was sprawled covering almost 80%  of bed, her head was at one side of bed  and legs were at other.

Vardhan- what the hell, where will I sleep. What she thinks its her single bed.

He tried his best to shift her, what the hell she eats, she is so heavy. After some hardwork he is able to make a small space in his own bed. Vardhan laid down , he was very tired today all those rituals were extremely tiring. He didn't realise but soon sleep took over him.

At mid night , something hit Vardhan on his face, he woke up with a startle,  he saw Pakhi's hand lying on his neck, not his neck, her half of the body was sprawled on him.

What have i gotten into. Aarrrggg.. soon he to slept.

Vivan- Finally now Vardhan bhai also got married,its  my turn now.  I am so excited siya lets tell mom that we too want to marry. Seeing how fast maharaj ji is picking dates i guess our date will be of next week or say day after tomorrow.

Siya looked at Vivan and smiled,  he was behaving like a kid, a kid who is excited to go on his favourite holiday destination.

Siya- you know Vivan, we can't marry this year.

Vivan face fell, he pouted trying to change her decision, siya laughed at his antics and kissed his pout.

Siya- both of your brothers got married Vivan, but you know na papa wont agree for our marriage till my brother get married and unlike Vardhan and Veer bhai, the marriage date of my brother is of next year. So we have to wait till his marriage. Samje Mr. Vivan inpatient Randhawa. Siya pinched his nose.

Vivan- soch lo Siya, what if i agree to marry someone else, you know since my brothers are already married now Maa will think about me what if that girls is ready to marry me this year or say tomorrow.
Vivan was just pulling her leg.

Siya shouted his name her eyes were full of tears.

Siya- stop, and dont ever say that again Vivan, i dont know about you but the moment you'll think of leaving me I'll die Vivan,  I'll die. Just don't ever talk of going away from me please I dont know what harm i can cause myself.

Vivan hugged her tightly, he cursed himself of saying out those words.

Vivan-ssshhhh baby stop crying, hey i was joking Siya, look at me siya please.

She looked at his eyes , he gently wiped her tears with his thumb.

Vivan- Siya for me you are already my wife, yes we are not married according to law n rituals, but my heart had already accepted you as my wife. Rest all is just a formality for me..even if we dont get marry in this lifetime you will always be my wife no matter what.
He took her hand and put it on his chest where his heart beats.

Vivan- did you hear it Siya, my heart takes only one name and that is yours. You are my heart Siya, you are my love, and no one can seprate us. And dont ever talk about harming yourself Siya, i will not be able to see anything happening to you. Siya nods her head she again hugged him.

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