chapter 21

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Everyone has tears in their eyes, the flashed of that night was still very much live in everyone's memory. No one could forget Vardhan's broken look.

Pakhi- and he he believed her...

Vivan- yes, he believed her each and every word, her each and every accusations. Our evidences, bhai's denial of sending any such letter, all of them was nothing in front of her. Bhai choose to trust her. After all in all those years she was successful in portraying her image as innocent, sweet and beautiful sanyukta. Her acts of kindness, her acts of charity, her acts of helping others all those won on his family's truth. For him he was a rapist, whom his family protected by manipulating evidences, his Veer bhai was culprit of making him a villain in his sanyu's eyes. That day he told us his verdict that he dont trust us. After that he become distanced from us and punished himself for something which he never did.

Nandini- you was asking why i denied for your marriage at first right Pakhu, it was not because of sanyukta, it was because of Vardhan. 4 years ago he choose Sanyukta over his family, his brothers and I am sure he will always choose her even before you Pakhi. We are used to it, but you, it will hurt you Pakhi, it will break you seeing your husband trusting his ex sorry his lover. Nandini snorted at last. She was not upset with Vardhan she was disappointed from him. She tried,she tried her best to make him understand, to make him see the truth but her son choose to trust someone else.

Nandini- That's why I am scared of her. A girl who can kill anyone , a girl who slept with a guy and frame a whole rape scene, can go to any extent to claim what is her. I am not scared for veer or for Vardhan. I am sacred for my aaru. I dont even want to thing what sanyukta could do to Aaru.

Pakhi- then dont think Maa..

Pakhi spoke in a voice that was unheard to everyone, her voice was full of anger, her eyes were full of rage.

Pakhi- so far all her life i have protected her and I am very much capable to do that. To reach my Di aur My Vardhan sanyukta had to fight me. And believe me Maa when i say that I am not an easy competitor. If sanyunkta can go to any extent to harm my di ,then you don't even know what i will do to those who dare to thinking of harming her.

Vivan smirked, he always liked Pakhi, she was a fire, bold confident and intelligent.

Vivan- yes Maa dont worry, pakhu and me will protect Aaru bhabhi, and you are forgetting Veer bhai, you know that if even she try to Touch Aaru di, he will break her every single bone.

Nandini smiled , seeing her children protectiveness towards Aaru. She do worried about her other children but she knows that they are capable of facing danger and fighting it but her Aaru is too innocent for this world and also she is the main target of that bitch. Prithvi also gave her a assuring smile and hugged her.

Unknown to them there was one person who heard everything, it was none other than Vardhan.

The truth was always in front of my eyes and i choose to ignore it. How could i do that, trust her over my own family, brothers , who did everything to save me. She never loved me she just used me. Vardhan laughs , although tears were flowing from his eyes. 4 years of my life, every minute of it i destroyed myself and for what, for her... how stupid I am, how dumb I am. He closes his eyes, it was a lie , all lies. When he opened them there was resolve in them. I will find each and everything about you Sanyukta Rathore. Now i will make sure that you stay away from my family.
This time he will trust his family, he will trust his brothers and he will trust his Pakhi. When he heard saying My Vardhan, he felt a sense of warmth, which he never felt in these 4 years and before. He knows that Pakhi will shield Aarohi from any danger after all she is his small spitfire. But he will shield her from any danger. He wont let anyone harm her. She is his to protect.

After whole revelation and crying session pakhi and siya entered in the kitchen.

Aarohi- ohh so now you both have graced your presence your highnesses haan. Where were you both, i send you to asked Maa what we need to prepare for today's dinner. Now you both are coming when whole dinner is ready and soon everyone will come downstairs to have their dinner.

Siya and pakhi didn't said anything, they just went and hugged her Aaru di.

Aarohi - what ... hey dont think that you are forgiven , just because you are buttering me.
But when Aarohi heard siya sniffing, she gently cupped her face and asked her.

Aarohi- Siya what happened bache, why are you crying ..

Siya- Aaru di why are you like this, why cant you become a mean, selfish , manipulative girl haan.

Aarohi tilt her head in confusion , whats gotten in her head.

Pakhi- yes aaru di why cant you be like those daily soap vamp haan.

Aarohi- okay now tell me who died in your serial.
Aarohi asked both of them , as she had enough of their crying session.

No one

Both Pakhi and Siya replied grumpily. They again hugged and said...
Don't worry we'll always protect you.

Aarohi - okay stop it both of you. Whats gotten into your head. No one is protecting anyone and on one is in danger. Got it. And please stop watching those drama. You both are mad completely mad and very soon I'll also join you both.
Now come on help me to arrange the table for dinner. Chalo aab.

Vivan and prithvi told veer everything what happened in Nandini's room . He knew why his Mother is so protective of Aarohi and now seeing full army in action he felt happy.
Everyone adores you Aarohi just I like I do. You are everyone's innocent princess but for me you are my innocent queen.

Sanyunkta -So she is getting all their love haaan...

Unknown person- yes hukum, it will be not easy to reach her. Veer Randhawa had allotted 50 guards, who constantly look after her, obviously she is not aware of those guards. Vivan Randhawa had made sure that no one enters in the mansion without his security check. But that's not our concern he had planted cctv cameras everywhere, in hall, in hallways, kitchens and where not. A team regularly monitored their day to day activity.

Sanyukta- hmm interesting. So after this much security still you are able to spy them don't you... she looked at the man standing in front of her. ..

Unknown man - yes hukum, i can spy there but i cant do anything else, if i got caught then..

Sanyukta- i know i know , dont worry. Randhawa is a powerful clan no doubt, but with power comes enemies not any outside enemy but inside enemy and with that comes betrayal.... i very well know how to reach her... but no its not my time to meet. Its time for her gift. A small gift for Aarohi Randhawa from Sanyunkta Rathore. Soon Aarohi soon... till then enjoy your time honeyyy...
Go and make sure to report me everything and wait what's the name of that idiot's wife..

Unknown person- Pakhi hukum...

Pakhi, nice name...

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