chapter 16

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Pakhi, Aarohi and siya were sitting in her room. Indrani devi and Nandini were outside in the garden.

Aarohi- Pakhi, i dont feel that your decision is correct.

Siya-Aaru di, why did you think that, you heard that righ, how Pakhi di spoke like a queen for her king haan.

Aarohi- siya bache plss , don't boost her for that stupid heroic speech. Pakhi you wanted to focussed on your career right. And now you want to be someone's saviour, you want to play super hero. Look Pakhi I am not saying that Vardhan ji is not good for you or anything like that, its just that your sudden eagerness to Marry him is something which I am not able to understand. Look you both are friends that's good, you could help him to overcome his past by just being his friend,  why you want to become his wife. You don't love him, he don't love you, then why this marriage, we all can find some other way to help him. You don't need to sacrifice your career , your dreams for that.

Siya looked at Aarohi, this is the first time  she heard her speak with this much confidence, usually her Aaru di is always shy , scared and hesitant. Wow My Aaru di can also be a Tigress ooh no her voice is still sweet she is still cute little cub. Siya laughed at her own thought.

Pakhi- Aaru di I love Vardhan.

Aarohi was going to say something but Pakhi's one statement stopped all her movements, she forgot what she wanted to say.

Aarohi- what!!!

Siya - Yyayayayay

Siya jumped at Pakhi and hugged her tightly. Oh my god Pakhi diii , finally finally you confessed.

Aarohi and Pakhi both asked Siya at same time.

You know about it.

Siya mentally slapped her . Ohh shit.. 

Siya- No i mean yes. Actually i thought maybe you know after hearing Pakhi di speech i just thought that may be its her love that's why she is doing it.

Aarohi nods her head but Pakhi looked at Siya suspiciously. She know Siya can never decode feelings. She is not that intelligent, infact half a time she is not aware what's going on around her. So many times she and Vivan, had plan whole prank in her presence but never once she was able to found out anything on her own, it was always Vivan who made her understand everything. That  means Vivan knew about her love,but how thats the question. Her thoughts got interuppted again from aarohi's Voice.

Aarohi- when and you never told me about this Pakhu.

Pakhi- di long story ,I loved Vardhan from our childhood, remember when these 3 idiots brother used to come play with us from that time. And i never told you because i never thought Vardhan will accept my Love. I mean after we all grow up he doesn't even clearly remember me. Pakhi shrugged her shoulders as if this doesn't affect her but her heart knows how much she craved his attention in every family functions in which they were invited.

Siya was happy that finally Pakhi is getting her love, Whereas Aarohi was upset that her sister was hurting so badly and she never had any idea about it. How she can be so blind.

Aarohi- I am sorry Pakhu, I never thought that you ...

No aaru di its not fault, its just that this was my own little secret you know. And i request you both please don't tell anyone about this please. And Siya tell Vivan to zipped his mouth otherwise I will stitch it with my own hands.

Siya blinked her eyes, Aarohi was looking between the two like a lost puppy.

Siya- how did you knowww.

Pakhi- ohh Siya i know everything,  she winked at her  and raised her non existing collar.

Aarohi , Siya and Nandini returned to Madhavgarh. Nandini told everyone that she had visited Maharaji while coming here, and the date set for marriage is after 3 days. Vivan and Veer assured everyone that the arrangements will be taken care of. As according to Vardhan Wedding shouldn't be any luxury affair, rather he want just a simple marriage where only his and Pakhi's family is invited.

Siya after chatting with her Aaru di , entered Vivan's room. Vivan was talking with his clients. Siya took this time to freshen up. When she entered his bedroom, Vivan was standing in his balcony admiring the scenic view in front of him. The sun was set but its light was still there. Siya hugged him and kissed his back. Suddenly she remembered what Pakhi told her, she tell everything to Vivan. Vivan was laughing continuously hearing that.

Siya- what why are you laughing Vivan,  aren't you afraid that she might actually stitch your face. Today after seeing her avenger personality, i am actually scared of Pakhi di. But I am still confused how did she found out that it was you even though i told her took whole blame on me then howww...

Vivan-oohh its simple siya, she knew that you can't even decode a simple prank how will you found out about her love which she had kept secret from her own sister for so long.

Siya glared Vivan, so you think I am dumb.

Vivan- yes...


Vivan- wait no i dont mean that dumb i meant..

Siya-ohh i already know what you meant.  I am going to kill you Vivan how dare you call me Dumb haan.

Vivan ran inside his room and siya started chasing him, their laughter echoed in his room. Vivan catched her in his arms and twirled her.

Siya-stop it Vivan, please I'll faint.

Vivan very carefully settled her on ground, and caged her in his arms. I love this dumbness of your Siya, this makes you super cute..
Vivan pinched her nose. Siya swats his hand away.

Vivan- So my baby is angry with me, what can I do to cheer up your mood your Highness.

Siya pretend to think, she playfully glared him and suddenly start tickling him,

Vivan-siya no, you know I am ticklish stop it Siya ,nooo.

Soon Vivan and siya both fell on his bed, Vivan was begging her to stop between his laughter, whereas Siya was tickling him. This was her ultimate weapon aganist him. You can tickle vivan anywhere and he'll start jumping and laughing like hyena... soon Siya too fell beside him catching her breath. She looked at Vivan who was watching her with his hooded eyes. She blushed under his gaze. Vivan very slowly bought his lips on her, siya binds her hand on his neck and starts playing with his hair. Vivan started nibbling her neck, feverishly kissing her, he knew her sweet spot. Siya moaned his name. Locking her legs around his waist and bringing him close to her. So close that it became difficult for even air to pass between them. This is what she wants , to be there always in her vivan's arms. Soon their passion took over their senses. Vivan kissed every inch of her body , claiming her his.

Vivan was a beast in bed just opposite to his  lovely childish personality and Siya loves this beast of her a bit more. Soon Vivan slept putting his head on her chest, his arms around her waist. Siya was wide awake, after their passionate love making sleep was far away from her eyes. She was admiring the love of her life. His Vivan. She always feel blessed that vivan loves her, his love is the only thing in this world that she is grateful for. She thanked her every star who gave her vivan. She gently caresses his hair and kissed his forehead.
I am  deeply and irrevocably in love with you My cute human. She whispers in his ears and soon sleep took over her.

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