chapter 14

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Vardhan told her everything about his past, about Sanyukta, how his love for her left him with nothing but  shattered pieces of his heart. Pakhi, when I met you, your presence , your talks, your pranks all these help me to forget her, even for a brief period of time, you helped me to overcome my past and its effect. I know i am being a selfish person, asking you to marry me so that i can come out of my past, but I i just want to live again, feel other emotions than anger and pain. Look I will not force you in doing anything, its upto you and i also promise you that if in future you feel that if you are not able to handle this relationship, you will be free to walk out. Yes Pakhi i won't stop you. But please give it a thought please. All this while Vardhan's eyes were cast low. He didn't want to look at her face and again see that hatred which he is used to watch.

Suddenly Pakhi grabbed his collar and forcefully made him looked at her. Her eyes were full in rage, she was angry very angry, her body was trembling due to her anger.


She shouted , startling vardhan, dadi Maa and Veer also jerked on their seats hearing her loud voice. Veer tried to move toward the room but dadi Maa stopped him.

Dadi Maa- we shouldn't interfare Veer. Come on son let's go out, i trust my daughter she will handle everything on her own.

Veer nodded his head and he took Dadi in the garden. He made her sat on swing and again settle himself on her lap. Well well Vardhan finally got a competitor for himself,  veer thought and smiled. Whereas Dadi was worried for Vardhan, she is aware of her daughter's anger.

Vardhan- pakhiii what...

Pakhi- I am asking you again Vardhan , where the hell is that bitch. I will not leave her . How dare she , how dare she hurt you. I will murder him Vardhan.

To say vardhan was shocked would be an understatement. He surely didnt expected this reaction from her. Just like others he thought she will also show him sympathy and will pity him. But to his surprise she was ready to kill anyone . Her eyes were shooting fire, she was damn angry,  for him. This thought made him happy.

Vardhan- relax Pakhi, it was my past.

Pakhi- relax, Vardhan you are asking me to relax, that good for nothing girl, made you hate yourself, left you in pit of self hatred and you ask me to relax. No i wont , i want to bloody murder her, and why the hell she is roaming free , why didn't you put her in your mansion's dungeon. You should have made her your prisoner. Tortured her daily, wait dont worry i will do this for you. I'll put her in your dungeon and will become a jailor. I will torture her everyday. I will show her hell on earth.

Her body was shaking and she was sweating, vardhan hurriedly pick the glass of water which she bought for him. But now she needed it more than him. He made her drink water. And made her sit but she again shoot up like a missile ready to launch.

Vardhan- pakhi relax, relax hulk please our talk isn't over right, please first sit.

Hearing this Pakhi controlled herself but her anger didn't subside. She was still thinking ways to kill her.

Vardhan- Pakhi what made you think that we have a dungeon in our mansion.

Pakhi-what you dont have, she asked being shocked.

Vardhan- Pakhi we are royals doesn't means that we will punish our enemy on our own. There are laws and order remember.

Pakhi- Oh come on Vardhan,  i thought you guyss have this scary dungeon where i could lock you up , if you ever tried to bully me after marriage.

Pakhi again spoke without thinking. Vardhan just looked at her. Blinking his eyes to convinced himself he isn't dreaming.

Vardhan- Marriage,.. Pakhi

Pakhi- What, now why are you stammering. Didn't you want to marry me. She asked him raising her eyebrows and folding her hands in front of her.

Vardhan- yes, but i mean i didn't expect you to agree so soon.

Pakhi sighs and said, Vardhan, i .. i
She wanted to confessed her love but she thought this isn't the best time. Vardhan is running from his past which was so dark that he forgot how light looks like in his life. Yes it was hurtful for her to know that he loved someone else and not only love, he was crazy for her. It broke her heart knowing the guy whom she had given her heart , was craving for someone else. But after knowing what she did to him, she was angry hell angry. How could she deny him when he is asking for her help, help to cure him, help to move on, help to live. Yes she knows that Vardhan does not love her and may be he will never. But she is happy that atleast she can save her love from drowning, she can atleast bring him out from that darkness. She can do anything for him, and he just asked her to marry him, he doesn't know that she can die on his one command.

Pakhi looked at vardhan who was waiting for her answer, she just hugged him tightly. She was now crying bitterly,  her heart was aching seeing him in such pain, his pain was hurting her.

Pakhi- I am so sorry vardhan, I am so sorry. You didn't deserved that. No you didn't deserved that. Hey krishna why it did happened to you why not with me.

Vardhan stopped her from saying anything. He doesn't want pakhi to go through what he went. It was hell and he doesn't want her to go through hell.

Vardhan- Pakhi if you are agreeing to marry me because you pity me then please just dont.

Pakhi shakes her head in a no on his chest. Finally she composed herself.

Pakhi- No vardhan i am not doing this because i pity you, no i dont pity you infact i am so proud of you that you went through all this all alone and still you are sitting here in front of me in single piece. I am doing this because I l.....

She stopped herself before saying anything which she might regret. Vardhan looked at her to continue.

Pakhi - I am doing this because you are my friend Vardhan. I'll help you to move on in your life. I'll marry you to bring you back from that darkness.

Vardhan- he again hugged her, thank you so much Pakhi , thank you so much.

Pakhi came out from the hug and forwarded her hand. Vardhan tilt his head in confusion.

Pakhi- Oohh stupid human, so Mr.Vardhan Randhawa,  will you become my best friend.

Vardhan laughed out loud seeing her antics , he shakes her hand ..

Vardhan- yes pakhi, i will become your best friend.

Pakhi in order to lighten the mood ask so what are we now friends with benefits haan.

Vardhan again laugh shaking his head..

No pakhi we are bffs, with benefits. She too smile seeing him happy.

Your friendship is my treasure Vardhan. Zaruri nhi har riste ki shuruwat pyar se ho, kuch riste dosti se shuru hte hain, aur unki manzil pyaar hti hain.. apne riste ki kya manzil hgi mjhe nhi pata Vardhan lekin mere pyar ko uski manzil mil gayi...

Vardhan was still laughing. Veer and Dadi Maa heard his laughter when they entered in the house. Dadi Maa smiled at him. She knows that her daughter will heal him. Veer was relieved seeing his brother happy after so many years.

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