chapter 15

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Nandini and Aarohi were sitting in front of Pakhi. Siya was sitting beside her, she was beaming with happiness. When Veer bhai told everyone that Pakhi agreed to Marry Vivan, she was the first one to rush and gave Vardhan a hug. She was very happy for him, she knew how much he needed this. Finally someone is coming in her Vardhan's bhai life who will lighten his life. On the other hand Nandini and Aarohi were worried . they wanted to know why Pakhi agreed to Marry him. That's why currently they both are sitting at Aarohi's house.

Aarohi- Pakhu , please tell me bacha why did you agree to Marry Vardhan bhai.

Nandini - Pakhi,listen to me very carefully, marriage is not a child's play, this is commitment of lifetime. You do realise that you will abide yourself with Vardhan for this life and there is no going back. I don't know what Vardhan told you.

Pakhi- He told me the truth Nandini Maa. Pakhi spoke for the very first time.

Hearing about the truth Nandini eyes filled with tears. She knows how much his son got hurt, she knew about his pain and his suffering. She always wanted him to move on, but now when he finally agreed to do so, she was worried for this girl seating in front of her, she knew that Pakhi is a strong girl and will handle Vardhan and his darkness but if in future something bad happens and just in case she gets hurt , it will break her Aarohi. She is worried for both Pakhi and Aarohi. She composed herself before looking at Pakhi.

Nandini- The truth isn't the only reality which you should be worried about Pakhi, Vardhan's truth or past isn't something which I am worried about , its his love for her which is the reason behind my concern for you. He had already destroyed his life for his so called love for her, i don't want yours life to get destroy. Listen Pakhi, the depth of his love is unknown to you. Infact its unknown to him as well. What i saw in these 4 years is that she was and will always remain a part of his life , you wont be able to change that. Today he want to move on in his life but what if tomorrow he wants to go back , what will you do, what if you both are not able to fight his love. What if his love wins once again. What will you two do haan..

Whatever Nandini just told Aarohi was hell worried for her sister, she knows nothing about what they are talking or about whom they are talking about. But she understood one thing Vardhan's love is his biggest enemy. He had loved a wrong person and to an extent that had left him with nothing. Even he lost all his control on himself. Nandini was right her concern were right, what if Vardhan is not able to move on , what if he is not able to forget his love, what will happen to her pakhu. His past will always be between them, they won't be able to break that wall.

Pakhi- I know Nandini Maa ,what you are trying to make me understand. But trust me Maa, this time i wont let that stupid love of him win. Even if i have to fight with Vardhan himself. I will fight, i will fight his past, i will fight his darkness, i will fight his love i will fight with anything that comes in my way. But i wont let him fall again not this time.

Indrani devi saw something in her daughter's eyes, there was certain determination,  she knew what she said she meant each and every word. She is sure that Pakhi will bring Vardhan back to life, she isn't worried about her ,no she knows her daughter, her daughter is fire who will burn anyone and everyone who will try to hurt Vardhan. She is his shield. A shield that even Vardhan can't break. She is sure that this time it will Pakhi's love that will win not only over his darkness but over him. She just cant wait to see the day when Vardhan too will forget his past and love Pakhi, they love will be an inferno. Unlike that of veer and Aarohi, whom love is like rain, calm and soothing.

Nandini too felt the same determination, she looked towards Indrani and she nodded her head. Nandini after 4 years felt a ray of hope. Hope that her Vardhan can be free , free from his past. And that hope is Pakhi. She put her hand on her head and blessed her.

Nandini- i dont know Bache what future holds for you but i will be there with you in your every step. Don't ever feel like you are alone , your Maa is there to hold your back.

Pakhi hugged Nandini and assured her that she will bring back Vardhan. Aarohi was still not convinced about her decision. Today siya saw a different Pakhi, her bubbly, prankster Pakhi, is a true hulk in real life. Sanyukta beta tu toh gayi. She thought.

But they didn't know that someone else was ready to fight for her love. She was ready to avenged those who took him away from her. She won't let anyone live with peace. She is coming , coming to claim what's her. This time she will not just manipulate things, she will break them apart. 4 years ago she just destroyed Vardhan but this time she will destroys each and every soul that took her veer away. She will make him beg infront her, she will make him cry the way she cried. After all in love everything should be equal whether its happiness or pain.
I am coming veer , i am coming for your Aarohi. Bacha skte ho toh bacha lo use. Sanyukta smirked.

Will Veer be able to protect his family!!!
Will vivan be able to hunt down his enemy before she hunts them down....!!! 
Will vardhan be able to move on from his past !!!!

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