chapter 35

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Pakhi was phasing her room. Yesterday they brought Siya home. She is still very weak, she was not able to stand on her own. The headache, nausea are constants. Vivan hadn't left her side since hospital. He is doing all his work from home. Rannvijay ,well there is no trace of him where he had gone. All they got is his burned car and mobile phone. Just like Mahesh and his family he too vanished.

Vardhan stood in front of her. But deep in thoughts Pakhi didn't noticed him, she collides with him and lost her balance. But vardhan managed to hold her properly at her place.

Vardhan- Hey, Pakhi whats wrong , where were you lost haan...

Pakhi looked at Vardhan. She was worried , worried for her whole family. Seeing Aarohi and Siya suffered like that she felt like a failure.

Pakhi- Vardhan I am afraid,  whatever bad is happening with our family members, its all linked With Sanyunkta. Even with Siya, what her brother did somewhere Sanyunkta is linked with it. I am not able to do anything. She managed to hurt my di my siya, even you Vardhan that day what if i didnt came there , you would have done something. I dont know Vardhan, it feels like she'll destroy everything. I ..i .. scared of losing you or anyone else...

Vardhan-- sshhh Pakhi, silencing her vardhan hugged her. He knows what she is feeling. Veer,vardhan and vivan are going through the same. They tried their best, but to their disappointment,they are not able to trace a single evidence aganist her. This time they are losing against her, losing very badly.

Vardhan- Pakhi, i need to talk with you. Vardhan sat on bed and made pakhi sat on his lap... he was playing with her hair. A midst all the chaos she was his peace. He came here to spend some time with her. To clear his mind, to find his peace.

Veer bhai had decide to go away from here. Pakhi jerked her head.

Pakhi- what.. but..

Vardhan- Pakhi please just listen to me..  here everything is messed up, and we all know why Sanyunkta is doing all this. That's why bhai had decided to move away from Madhavgarh along with Aarohi bhabhi..

Pakhi- But Vardhan, there they both willl be alone, here at least we all are here to look after Aarohi di..

Vardhan- yes, but we were still unable to protect her. Pakhi here Sanyunkta is more powerful because of her allies. We dont know who is working for her ,who is betraying us.

Pakhi- and there we'll know who are not their allies.

Vardhan- we wont let her know anything.... 

Pakhi- i am not able to understand anything Vardhan..

Vardhan- Pakhi just like Veer bhai and vivan i too have my security team. But unlike their mine is not any trained professional or something. They are people of Madhavgarh, they are my warriors. They are my loyals and trustworthy people.  I can trust them with anything. So far they have been protecting you from all danger. That day when, you were running behind her remember, they alerted one knew that my people were also present.  And now I am sending them with Veer bhai and Aarohi bhabhi.. trust me Pakhi they wont let anything happened to her...

Pakhi- if your team is so strong then why not they are able to find her .....

Vardhan- because the place where she is we cant reach there.

Pakhi- what do you mean... .

Vardhan- she is still in Rathore Mansion, Pakhi, vijendra Rathore is hiding her there. To reach her we have to break the peace agreement which we cant do. Just like how Sanyunkta manipulated our people and send those parcels, Vivan send his man to kill Rannvijay..

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