chapter 08

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Veer opened his eyes, it was one of the most beautiful morning of his life. For a  change he had a smile on his face. He remembered every moment of yesterday's night. He had memorised every inch of  Aarohi' body. Her moans still rings in his ears. His eyes searched for her but to his disappointment she was no where in the room. Veer got up and went to fresh n up.

Aarohi was with Nandini in the kitchen. Her body was aching, but it was a sweet pain which her husband gave her. Veer was gentle with her in first round but afterwards he was a beast. Aarohi lost count of how many times she had took his name. Siya was wiggling her eyebrows looking at Aarohi' blush and a cute little love bite on her neck. Aarohi understood siya's message and she hurriedly hide it with her hair.
So Aaru di , what are you making today in your first rasoi. Aarohi pinched Siya's nose and asked her what do you want to eat Siya ,just tell me I'll make it for you.

Siya-  I wanna eat Kheer di..

Vivan- Mere liye bhabhi jaan halwa..

Vivan first hugged his mother , then Aarohi and at last his Siya baby , he didn't leave her , he stood there holding her from behind.

Vardhan- bhabhi for me please make a sugarfree fruit custard.

Listening to her children, who were shamelessly demanding their food , Nandini picked her spatula and hit vivan on his arm, before she could hit Vardhan he dodged it and ran outside to save himself from his mother's wrath.

Siya looked at Nandini wide eyed. She was controlling hard to not laugh at Vivan misery but at last
she gave up and burst out laughing along with Nandini.

Vivan was shouting in pain as if he was hit by a bullet. Aarohi was shocked at the scene which just unfolded in front of her eyes. She hurriedly went towards vivan and gently massage where he got hit.

Aarohi- Vivan ji jyda dard toh nhi ho rha na.

Vivan made a crying face to gain sympathy from his bhabhi , he side hugged her and said see bhabhi no one loves me , this is how I am treated in this house. Aarohi took Vivan act way too seriously.

Aarohi- Maa you shouldn't have hit him, see its so painful for him.

Seeing this Nandini rose her eyebrow whereas siya was shocked seeing her Aaru di teaming up with vivan.

Vivan fake cried by putting his face on Aarohi'shoulder. Aarohi was patting his head and he was wiggling his eyebrows at Nandini and Siya.

Aarohi- Vivan ji dont worry today I will make halwa specially for you.
Hearing this Vivan's face lit like a Christmas tree and he kissed Arohi on her cheeks and ran from kitchen to tell his brother that now Aaru bhabhi was in his team. Siya was fuming and she looked at Nandini who just shrugged her shoulder.

Aaru di not fair, just because i didn't fake cry like him , you agree to make his favourite sweet. Aarohi smiled at her and said, siya I am not only making his favourite sweet but yours and Vardhan too. I can't disappoint my two other gang members can I. Siya hugged her and ran outside to tell vivan that Aaru di is still in her team.

Nandini- Aaru beta you don't need to fulfill their demand they are idiots dont tire yourself just make one simple sweet.

Aarohi- Maa dont worry I am used to this Dadi and Pakhi , both have different likes and i used to make both their favourite dishes. And also if you want to eat something please tell me I'll make it for you.

Nandini laughed and said all three dishes are my favourite Aaru. Aaru smiled at her maa and start preparing her dishes.

Meanwhile in the office, vivan barged inside the office , Prithvi , Veer and Vardhan were discussing their upcoming project.

Vivan- Aaru bhahi is in my gang now, and I warn you all no one dare to say anything to her. Am i clear. Prithvi looked at Vivan as if he is looking a cartoon. Vardhan huffed as he understood that Aarohi choosed vivan's sweet for her first Rasoi, whereas Veer was a bit baffled as whats gotten into his head. Suddenly another person barged in their office, it was none other than Siya, she smirked seeing Vivan victory smile and said.

Siya- well tried vivan, your fake tears made you earned Aaru di's hug and a kiss and obviously sweet dish but she is not only making your favourite dish but ours too. Mine and Vardhan bhai and she clearly told me that she is in our team as well. So just go and sulk somewhere else. Siya just shoot him extra toothy smile and ran from there.

Whereas Vivan was still trying to process , he shook his head while repeating she can't cheat me, no, no ,no she cant do this me, this not fair. He too ran away shouting Aaru bhabhi from there.
Other three people were still rooted to their places as what just happened here. Vardhan was happy that Aarohi was making his fav dish. Prithvi was smiling seeing these two cartoons fighting for Aaru's attention but Veer's mind was fixed on two words that Siya just told hugged and kissed.

Aarohi prepared everyone favourite meals. Siya and vivan were still bickering whereas all other member praised her for her cooking. She received lots of gifts from her in laws and her newly formed gang. She was very happy.

Aarohi just took a relaxing shower as after  spending 2 hours in kitchen her body was paining like hell. Just when she entered in her bedroom, veer hold her hand and turned her, she put her hand on his chest to balance herself. Veer slides his other hand on her bare waist.
So Mrs. Aarohi Veer Randhawa, i heard that you got kisses and hugs. Hearing this she looked at him with a confused face. Veer very slowly speak near her ears,
I am a very very possessive man Aarohi  I wont allow a single touch of any other man on your body even its of my sweet little crazy brother. Aarohi's hearbeat quickened not because of his threat but because how close they were. His eyes hold a sense of possessiveness.
To calm his mind, she hugged him and look at his face,
Veerji, Vivan and Vardhan ji  are like a brother to me, you shouldn't be jealous of them.
Well guess what i will be if their received their favourite dishes as well as the hugs and kisses.
Aarohi laughed at this cute gesture of Veer.
Acha baba tell me what you want in lunch I'll make it for you.
Veer simply shrugged and said find out on your Aarohi , lets see if you are able to do that.
Aarohi looked at him , he was playing with her she can tell that but to her this side of Veer was a rare side to Watch, her always calm and composed Veer was showing various emotions all at once.

Aarohi- what if i win this challenge veer ji.

Veer smirked and pull her even more close to him, then you can ask anything and I will give it but if I win this challenge then You have to do whatever I will tell you to do.

Aarohi lost all her senses hearing his words she know that her Veer had a pretty double meaning of what he just said. Veer too was consumed with desires that clouded his mind. He started nibbling Aarohi's neck, he was kissing her like a starve man, he wanted to have her right then and there. He wasted no time , he first went and closed the door all the way removing his clothes, then carried Arohi on bed to finally quenched his thirst. Aarohi never felt this alive in her life, the passion that veer held, the possession that he holds, she surrendered herself to him. Her body and mind was just his to explore. Again their room witnessed the series of moans and grunts. This time in the daylight.

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