chapter 10

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Veer was sitting in his office. Prithvi was looking  his son deep in his thoughts.

Prithvi- Veer , there is something that is bothering you, please  tell me son what's the matter.

Veer- sanyukta..

Prithvi snapped his head , his eyes getting dark,  just like Veer he also trusted her and treated her like his daughter even after Nandini's warning but what she did that night, his family is still trying to forget that dreadful night. The night that destroyed Vardhan completely.

Prithvi- what about her Veer.

Veer- Dad, you know that Vardhan still love her , he still trust her.

Prithvi signs , he know his son is still hurting but he is helpless in this situation.

Prithvi- I know veer,  we tried , we all did, but his blind love is not letting him see anything. He still blame you for his broken heart.

Veer- I know dad, and somewhere it is my fault. I shouldn't have told her about his feeling, this was wrong from my side.

Prithvi- Its past veer, no one can change that but why are you thinking about it now,

Veer- we can't underestimate her dad, i know she'll return, but that's not my concern. My concern is Vardhan. Currently he is our weakness dad , and her strength. She'll use him and his love against us. You know how Vardhan is , for his loved ones he can do anything,  he can destroyed anything and sanyukta is her priority,  she is above us dad.

Prithvi- what are you thinking Veer,

Veer- I want him to get married.

Prithvi- what!!!! Are you out of your god damn mind veer.  Do you really think it's that simple haan, he will never agree to it.  Already he had created a distance with us , now what you want that he severe all ties with us. Your mother will never agree to this , she will never let us do anything like this.

Veer- Dad, Vardhan will agree ,

Prithvi- oh really and how, are you going to drugged him ,

Veer- no dad, we will manipulate him.

Prithvi - what! How!

Veer showed him a video clip.

Prithvi- How did you got it Veer, what did you do.

Veer- Nothing Dad, i just drugged her, veer shrugged and looked at his dad.

Looking at prithvi he knows that he need to tell him the entire plan and how he executed it.

Veer- Dad , after that night i asked my guards to follow her and keep an eye on her. Vardhan can never find her , i have wiped out her each and every trace. Few days ago,  i went there , I asked my man to drugged her and told her that I will cancel this marriage if she will say exactly what I asked her to. And she did .

Prithvi- where is she now veer.

Veer smirked at his dad's question,
Dad don't worry she is not under my custody. She is at her maternal grandmother's home far from here. I went there for this video. I wanted to capture her but knowing that her family is just as powerful as us. I stopped myself. I don't want any bloodbath. I warned her to stay the hell out of our lives.

Prithvi - veer what you did and what you are doing is not right my son, you don't know what will be the repercussion of it.

Veer- repercussion dad, did you forgot that girl charged a rape case on my brother, and that stupid brother of mine thinks that he actually did that crime. If not for vivan and siya who found the evidences and showed it to me , I would have killed my own brother. Did you forgot that even after her truth came out she blamed Vardhan that just because we belonged from a powerful family, we manipulated evidences, she told that she loved me in front of my brother, she told him that because of him and his deed I am not accepting her. She literally killed my brother by her allegation and truth. He died that day knowing that sanyukta loves me. But not anymore dad, i will not let him drown in misery of hatred and pain.

Prithvi- Do you really think that this is the only way.

Veer- yes ,Dad, he needs a girl who love him unconditionally.

And who is that girl veer, i know you have already done your research. Veer smirked hearing his dad words.

Veer- Pakhi.

Prithvi- what, are you sure. Prithvi was relieved hearing her name, he already liked her.

Veer i dont know whether your decision is right or not, but veer if you think that this  will help Vardhan in any way possible than I am with you. I cant see him like this anymore. Its been 4 years and his condition is still same.

Veer- Dad trust me, this will work, sanyukta hatred can only be replaced by Pakhi's love.

Vivan and Siya , you both can come in now. Prithvi smiled , he already knows that these two idiots heard each and everything that they discussed.

Vivan and Siya , slowly entered in the office.

Siya- Veer bhai, are you sure about this, I mean if by any chance Vardhan bhai ko pata chala , then he will

Veer- he will not leave me. I know siya. I know my brother. But i also know that this plan will work after all it is prepared by one of the most intelligent human of this house. Am I right Vivan.

Vivan smirked at veer whereas siya was shocked and Prithvi well he knew that this dangerous plan is not of veer but of Vivan.

Aarohi was in her room , she just had a call with Pakhi and Dadi. She was missing them terribly. And also she knew that she is going to loose the bet after all no one in house knows what is Veer favourite dishes. Or they know but they are not telling her. She huffed and think who is left to ask,  she had asked Nandini,  Prithvi, Vardhan, Vivan and Siya. All of them gave the same answer that Veer bhai never complaint about any food and likes all food. She was so confused that how a person does not like any specific food. She had already prepared the lunch, knowing the fact that she had lost.
Oh come on Aarohi tum itni jaldi haar kaise maan skti hu. School main toh bacho ko khoob shikhaya tha ki kabhi haar mat manna aur abhi tum ...
Aaarghhhh. Arohi scream in her pillow. Why she has accepted her defeat so easily. Is it because she wanted to know what veer is going to ask , she although have a rough Idea about it and surprisingly she is looking forward to it. Aarohi blushed at her own thought. How can she became so shamelesss. Its only for you Veer , only for you.

Veer Randhawa, till now you have only seen my love for you, framing and destroying your brother was just a glimpse of my love for you. I loved you but what did you do to me, you cheated on me with that bitch... sanyukta laughed out madly. You know veer, YOU ARE MINE just mine. Not even god can snatch you from me. Just wait and watch Veer, your sanyukta is coming to get you Veer. Let the game begins..... her laughed echoed in the house. It was the beginning of her game. The game which will shake every relation of Randhawa Mansion........

Let the game begin bhai, vivan looked at veer.
This time I won't let you win sanyukta, this time i will hunt you down and you won't be able to do anything. (Vivan thought)

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