chapter 36

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Aarohi- I am ready to go Veer. I just want our family to be safe now. Seeing them getting hurt for us, it painful for me. Whatever siya did, she did for us. She questioned her brother for us...

Veer- Aarohi, believe me if you were in her place, you would have done the same. That's what families do, they protect each other right.. but now things are messed up. No one knew what her next plan is. And i  dont want any of my family members to become her victim now... also i want to protect you. Madavgarh is not safe for you anymore...
Aarohi nodded her head. Whatever is happening, she never thought that her life will take such a drastic turn. Her life was at risk, so were her family.
Veer moved towards Aarohi and sat beside her.. he cupped her face.

Veer- Aarohi I am sorry. I promised  you to always protect you, always make you happy but now i am unable to fulfill either of my promises. Because of me your life is at stake. I never thought that Sanyunkta will go to this extent. Her madness is destroying everything around us..

Aarohi- veer its not your fault dont blame yourself. You are taking a decision which is good for your family, and for your people. In every sense you are their true king. You are choosing them over yourself. Veer everything will be fine, we will be fine. Its just the matter of time. Together we will face any challenge of our life..

Veer nodded his head and pulled her in his arms. All he needs is her just her if she is happy, he is happy. He knew that Aarohi will understand him and his decision. Her consent is all he need to move forward. He will build a small world of his own with her, just her.. veer pecked her forehead. And hugged her. 

Nandini- what nonsense you are talking Prithvi. You want  me to send Aaru alone, knowing that bitch is after her. Here she is safe prithvi, between us, we will protect her. And what about you.. you are a  king, cant you protect your own god damn family. If not then what is the use of this so called power and money of yours...

Prithvi- Nandini please first calm down and please dont say something which you might regret later.

Nandini- no prithvi i am not going to regret anything. For you only your people are important right but for me my children are my priority. You know what prithvi you should have told me that you are not capable of protecting your family, i would have never asked dadi for Aarohi's hand atleast she would be safe and happy. We bought that girl in this mess and now we are sending away to get killed in hands of her..

Prithvi- NANDINI.. dont talk to me like this, dont forget who i am..

Nandini- I didn't forget anything Prithvi you are forgetting that Aarohi is your vijay's daughter. Now i am thinking Prithvi that indeed we made a mistake of bringing her in our family,  because we are incapable of protecting her.

Saying this Nandini went out, just when she reached her door she saw Veer and vardhan  standing there. She glared them.. she was not only disappointed but also hurt.

Vardhan put his hand on Veer shoulder, he knew that his mother words have hurt Veer alot. But she was not wrong at her place.

Veer- Dad, all arrangements are being done..

Prithvi - Veer I am sorry son, I am so sorry. Because of my decision, you have to heard that. She dont know that it will just take a call for you to finish that girl but its me who had asked you go away. To protect my people. I am sorry veer.

Vardhan- i just hope dad that we dont regret this decision of yours. Saying this Vardhan also left from there. Vardhan and vivan both were against their father decision. But veer agreed. He was just praying that nothing goes wrong otherwise no one will be able to forget themselves.

Veer- dad, its not easy to be a king, a leader. What you are doing need courage , i know you also wanted the same what others want, but you are sacrificing your family for your people.. you are a true leader dad and dont worry Just like Aarohi everyone will understand.

Prithvi hugged his son, he is endangering their safety for the betterment of his people. One wrong move, the consequences will be bear by his people. Before peace agreement, there was bloodbath between the two territories.. innocent people have to faced the burned of their leaders. He did not want that to happen again.

Vijendra- just like we thought, Prithvi Randhawa will not do anything that will break our agreement. This is your last chance sanyu.. after this I'll send you far away from here.

Sanyunkta- did you do what i told you to do dad..

Vijendra Rathore give her a file.
The details are in the file sanyu.

Sanyunkta nodded her head and took the file from him.

Sanyunkta- asked the team to get ready.  I want her number dad.

Vijendra- its in the file sanyu. Her number and all details you needed.

Siya was sleeping in her room, vivan was sitting beside her.

Vivan- did you get any information.

Unknown person- sir, she is planning something big. Today i saw vijendra rathore going with a file.

Vivan- did you look what was there in the file.

Unknown person- there were some papers, a photo and a number. I am sorry sir before i could see more someone entered in the room and i have to go from there.

Vivan - okay make sure to be careful.

Unknown- ji sir.

Vivan closes his eyes. What number he was talking . Aaru bhabhi's number...

Vardhan- Rakhsha i am assigning you the task to protect  Aarohi bhabhi. Do whatever you have to do to protect her. Just in case if things go out of our hand you know our safe place right.. remember once you reach at our place, only when i send you signal, you'll take any action.

Raksha- ji hukum..

Vardhan- from now on you are her shadow.

Raksha- dont worry hukum nothing will happen to her.
Vardhan nodded his head.

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