The bologna

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Welcome to Nockfell County! More soecifically Nockfell High School! in this small towns high school cafeteria sits a young man, Travis Phelps. He has tan olive skin and faint freckles. His eyes are dark brown and his hair is dyed blonde. His roots are slightly grown out but nothing he couldn't fix. He wore a purple sweater and some blue jean shorts. He wan't the most popular of students but somehow still managed to bully the living fuck out of this one group of kids. They were about three tables down. 

One of them had long brown hair and deep eyebags. He had a large freckle on his cheek next to his stupid long nose and the thickest eye brows ever. He worse Sanitys Fall shirts everyday and black skinny jeans. He worse waist chains, neck chains, and thick bracelets with spikes. He was a total metal head and Travis hated him for it. Listening to that stuff made him a saitinist and if there was one thing Travis hated more than gays it was Saitinsts. His name is Larry Johnson.

Another also had long brown hait but hers was a little lighter. She wore eye make up and lip gloss. She had green eyes and wore the same black choker every day. She liked tight sweaters to make her tits pop. Travis hated here becaude she was a slut. Her name is Ashley "Ash" Campbell.

One was a ginger. He had glasses and a large nose. His eyes were brown and his sense of fasion wasn't any good. He was also gay. Travis hated gay people. He really really hated gays. His name was Todd Morrison.

There were two others that sat there everyday. They wont be too important to this story. Travis would discribe them as the fat ass and his emo girlfriend. They're names were Chug and Maple. 

Finally there was one more. He was the worst of the group. His hair was long and blue and he pulled them into pigtails everyday like a girl. He wore red ripped skinny jeans and a black sweater. He also had this stupid mask Travis hated. His eyes were a brilliant blue that matched his hair. His voice was smooth like butter dispite the muffling of his mask. He was also really smart, but he made dumb choices, like being gay and beleiving in ghosts.

Travis had one friend. His name was Philip and No one knew his last name. Travid always forgot to ask him. Lately Travis had been avoiding Philip but he did that when the bullying got to bad.

Today was Balogna day! Travis' favorite day. He was chowing down on the sandwatch pretending he wouldn't be sick for an hour after school. As he was chewing he bit into something hard. He dropped the sandwitch to attend to his teeth. Whem he looked down he saw what he had bitten into. He pulled out an entire large toe nail from inside the slice of bologna. He froze feeling sicker quicker than normal. He droppes the nail, stood up, and walked with his tray to Kim the lunch lady. 

"Kim. You missing any toe nails?"

"What!? No! Why?"

"There was one in my sandwitch." 

"Well it ain't mine. Now go sit."

Travis quite the oposite. he dumped his Tray and made his way to the bathroom to be sick and probably have a minor psycotic break. 

Travis walked into the bathroom and froze. Inside the bathroom was someone who hated Travis. He hated him a lot. Connor Driscol. This was bad. Any incounter with him always ended badly. He had Dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a black undershirt and his football jersy. Travis moved his hands around a little nervously before pointing to the door.

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