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Travis layed down in the hotel bed. He was all alone and it was so quiet. He had almost gotten used to having the short blue haird boy curled into his side, back, or chest. This time he was alone. All alone. And the room wasnt very dark due to the bright light beaming through the door. He had his phone sitting on the table beside him. He grabbed it. He tapped afew timed then sat up. He sat his phone up on the tray. The phone beeped and a tired voice poured into the room.

"Travis? Why are you calling?" Sal asked looking at his phone screen his camera turned off and prothsetic hanging on his bed post. "I can't sleep." The blonde said. "I can't go to the hospital, besides you should be coming back here tomorrow." Sal said. "Yeah but this place sucks ass! I have some lady walking in to check my vitals and i cant bend my arm. And they keep treating me like I'm the most important person ever just because of who my father is. They are locking me in his shadow and its fucking stupid!" Travis said frustrated. Sal sighed sympatheticly "I'm sorry man. I wish I could help." Sal sat there thinking but nothing came. "How about we talk until we fall asleep." Travis looked up visibly scared. Sal watched as Travis talked to a woman from across the phone. The woman assured Travis he could continue talking to his friend after all she was just checking his vitals and replaceing the blood bag. "Oh yeah uhm- no thanks. Sorry ma'am." Sal snickered. "How respectful Travy Trav." Travis looked at the phone with a scoff. "Sorry I have manors Saaally Face." "Sorry im better than you Traaavis." The nurse chuckled listening to their conversation. Travis knew she was but her reacting to it made him almost uncomfortable. Sal could see this as he looked away uncomfortably, his smile fading. "Alright! All done." The woman said with a smile. Travis didn't look directly at her. "Yeah- uhm- thank you Ma'am." "No problem Mr. Phelps." Sal noticed Travis' expression grow almost annoyed when she said that. She left the room and travis used his right hand to rub his eyes.

"You alright Trav?" Sal asked. Travis looked at Sal his face red. "Fuck you- er- uh- don't call me that fag-" he stopped himself before he finished that word and layed his head down. "Sorry. I just hate being called Trav." He said after a short liced sigh. "It's ok Travis. I didn't know sorry." Sal said. "Hey I'm going to keep my camera off if you don't mind. My prothsetic could get broken if I have a nightmare or it could rub my real face while I sleep so I'm not wearing it." Travis nodded trying his best to get comfortable.

"I'm excided to see you tomorrow." Sal said his phone laying down beside him the screen towards the ceiling. "Yeah im excided to get out of here." Travis said. "It's kind of strange without anyone here." Sal said softly. Travis smiled. "So you miss me?" Travis said clearly teasing Sal. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't." Sal was smiling. He knew Travis was a good guy and he could tell he was trying to change. He would always catch himself before he said something rude and try and make it less terrible. He hardly ever called Sal slurs and Sal honestly appreciated it. Even Larry could tell Travis really did want to change and try to be their friends. Sal looked at his phone screen to see Travis laying on his side with one of his arms out infront of him and straightened and the rest of his body curled up into a ball. Sal allowed himself to wonder in thought a while longer before he too fell asleep.


"Alright Mrs. Johnson, I'll send him out with you shortly. Just have to grab him and get him ready." Said a nurse while taking back the clipboard he had handed to Lisa. Lisa nodded and smiled as the nurse turned and walked toward Travis' room.

Travis was standing up in his room the I've had finally been removed and he was so thankful to be putting on a warm purple sweatshirt. Lisa had brought him it knowing he wouldn't have any warm clothes now that snow had started to pour from the sky. Travis didn't care for the jeans she had bought him but he knew they would keep him warmer than a pair of jean shorts so he put them on without a word. He walked into the loby and saw Lisa. He smiled a little bit but immediately stopped when he realized the nurse from the night before was looking at him. He walked up to Lisa looking at the ground. "You alright Travis?" She asked resting her hand on his should calmly. He flinched at the touch but slowly relaxed not wanting to cause a scene. "Mhm. Can we hurry up back home." He said not letting go of the gaze he had stuck to his shoes. Lisa nodded. "Well just follow me out to the car and I'll get you to the appartments hun." Travis liked how gentle and sweet Lisa acted towards him. She really did treat him like her own son. He truely appreciated it. He followed the brown haired woman to her car and got into the passengers seat.

Gentle Love (Sal x Travis Angst/Fluff Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now