Bullies get Bullied

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"Travis! Connor get the fuck off of him!" Sal yelled rushing towards his new friend. Travis was covered in his own blood the back of his head being bashed agenst his locker. He wasn't crying. He didnt even look or sound like he was in pain. He just sounded scared. He screamed for help. He begging for forgiveness. He kept on yelling sorry and please let me go. Sal leaped for Connor. He caused Connor to stumble but not fall. Larry got to the front of the crowd by this time. Travis colapsed on the floor as soon Connor let go of him. Larry rushed to Travis and kneeled beside him. "Ohhh is that Larry Johnsons boyfriend? I though him and Sally face were dating." A girl from the crowd said. Larry gaged. "Absolutely not- Travis is a homophobic asshole! And Sal is my step brother." Larry yelled. Travis laughed weakly. "Faggot- he thinks... I'm" he laughed a bit more. Larry could tell Travis was suoer fucked up. "Lisa should be here. I'll carry tou there. Salio lets go" Sal kicked Connor in the balls then helped his friend Carry the blonde out to Lisa's car. Sal followed close behind.

Travis now sat on the edge of the bath tub. Sal finished wrapping bandages around Travis' head. "Travis your shirt is covered in blood. Just take it off. Besides I need to make sure you dont have anymore injuries." Travis sighed. He didn't want to. Not around Sal atleast. He knew he had scars and he just got his stitches removed four days ago. He was specifically anxious about one scar. He had a large cross shaped scar going down his back and bibble verse that had been carved into the skin over his heart. The verse read as you shall not lie with man as with a woman; it is an abomination. Leviticus 18:22, 20:13. Travis didn't like the scar. The scar constantly reminded him of his disgraceful feeling for that stupid blue haired boy infront of him. "I'd rather not." He said aggressively. "You need to let me help you Travis. Please just let me help you." Sal said desperately. Travis rolled his eyes. "You just want to see me withought my shirt huh Fisher?" Travis accused. "No i just want to make sure that asshole didn't ruin any of that catholic body~" Sal said jokingly. Travis' eyes grew 2x in size and a hot red blush raced across his tan face. "What the hell-" he said almost speechless and of course with a shit load of voice cracks. He was gay panicking for sure.

Oh my fucking god- that wasn't real! Sal wouldn't say that to me! Was it a joke? Yeah.. yeah it was just a joke! This is fine. I mean its not like you care! Sal is hardly even your friend Travis. Stop being such a fucking queer. Travis thought to himself. "Sorry- i flirt with my friends as a joke pretty often- i guess we aren't close enought for that yet." Sal said gently. He didn't seem upset ir anxious he seemed apologetic in the most sweet and light hearted way. "Huh-? Oh it's fine! Just caught me off guard." Travis said hoping the hotness in his face wasn't obvious. Luckily for Travis Sal is 100% oblivious. "So, gonna take the blood soaked shirt off?" Sal asked. Travis rolled his eyes. "Fine! Whatever." He hesitantly took off the sweat shirt that seemed more red than purple now. Sal tried not to visibly react to all the scars. He silently inspected the front of Travis' torso. His eyes locked on the bibble verse. He skimmed it over in hisbhead a scoffed. "Wow that miss translated bullshit? Gross." Sal said annoyed. Travis tried to play dumb. "What?" Sal rolled his eyes frowning under the prothsetic. "Nothing. Turn around." Sal demanded. Travis listened withought question. Sal couldn't help but gasp seeing the massive scar. "Travis? Who did this?" He asked gently touching the cross with his soft gray hands. "I- uh... -I don't remember." He lied. "This scar is newer than some of the others. I know you know."

Travis shook his head. "I can't say." He said with gritted teeth. This rubbed Sal the wrong way but he didn't want to pry. "I'll grab another one of your shirts." Sal said opening the bathroom door. Travis didn't say a word. Sal came back with a light blue sweat shirt. "Ta-da!" Sal called. "Mhm thanks." travis grabbed the sweatshirt and pulled it over his head. "How's your head?" Sal asked calmly. Travis shrugged. "That's not an answer Travis." "It's fine Sally Face. Leave me alone." Travis said sharply. He walked out of the bathroom and into Sal's dad's room. Sal stood alone in the bathroom. Why is he so impossible all the fucking time? Sal thought with a frustrated groan. He walked out of the bathroom and to his own bedroom. He closed and locked the door then uncliped his prothsetic. He walked to his dresser and took his glass eye out. As the eye fell into the cup of water he rubbed his scarred face. He sighed again and layed down. Today was exoughsting.


Travis woke up with a gasp around 3 in the morning. He winced and placed his hand on the back of his head. "Ow-" he whispered sharply. Moments later there was a knock on the door. Travis held his breath. He wasn't sire where he was. It was dark and he couldn't see anything. "Travis? It's Sal, I had a bad dream. Can I sleep in here?" Travis exhaled in relief. "Yeah sure. Doors unlocked." Sal walked in and sat down beside Travis. He gently put his hand on Travis' cheek who's face immediately flushed. "Oh shit- Travis you're burning up!" Sal exclaimed, "Are you sick?" "No- I hardly ever get sick. Gods will i guess." Sal rolled his eyes. "Oh no! You have Christian disorder! What ever will we do!?" Sal said sarcastically. Travis chuckled. "Good night Sally Face. I-" Travis cut himself off immediately. "Hm?" "Oh- uh nothing!" "Alrighty! Good night Travis."

(Word count 1,020+ i hope you enjoyed!)

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